Support the cause for press freedom. This is an announcement from a string of civil society groups. I must say it is refreshing to see more new groups joining in the struggle for media freedom in Malaysia. What we need now is to achieve a critical mass of Malaysians demanding press freedom, whose voices cannot be ignored or suppressed any longer.
The organisers are hoping for at least 5,000 signatures. So far, they have received just over 200. I hope readers of this blog can help them achieve their target.
Concerned Malaysians are working hard to collect as many signatures as possible for the 2008 Memorandum on Media Freedom - sponsored by Benar for Free and Fair Media (Benar), Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ), National Alliance of Bloggers (All-Blogs) and Writers Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI).
The Memorandum, together with the signatures collected until 30 August, 2008 shall be presented to the national leaders on August 31, 2008 and to state leaders on September 16, 2008 to demand for reforms in media laws. This project will be weaker without your support. We hope you will place this image link on your blog to help promote the cause.
There can be no free nation without free media. Let us come together to demand media freedom as the birthday present for our beloved nation.
Thank you very much for your support and attention.
In our love of the nation and freedom,All-Blogs, Benar, CIJ and WAMI