TERBARU...mesyuarat Dewan Tertingggi BN petang Rabu Mesyuarat Dewan Tertinggi Barisan Nasional dimana Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dijadual akan membuat pengumuman beliau akan diadakan pada jam 3.30 petang Rabu.Agendadaily mendapat tahu undangan kepada para pemimpin parti komponen BN sudahpun dihantar petang ini.
Malaysia PM keeps nation guessing on stepping down

The Associated Press
Published: October 6, 2008
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia's prime minister kept the nation guessing Monday on whether he will step down soon amid a festering rebellion in the ruling party, saying he will announce his decision in a day or two.
Published: October 6, 2008
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia's prime minister kept the nation guessing Monday on whether he will step down soon amid a festering rebellion in the ruling party, saying he will announce his decision in a day or two.
Party members have clamored for fresh leadership after Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi led the government to its worst performance ever during general elections in March.
Speculation is that Abdullah will not last beyond March 2009, when the ruling party, the United Malays National Organization, is scheduled to elect its top office bearers.
There are indications that Abdullah will not defend the post of party president, and by extension resign as prime minister.
"I will decide either tomorrow or Wednesday" whether to contest or not, Abdullah told reporters.
All five prime ministers since Malaysia's independence from Britain in 1957 have served as party president, while the deputy prime minister typically holds the second top post in the party's leadership.
If Abdullah decides against contesting, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak is widely expected to be his replacement. The only other contender in the field, veteran politician Razaleigh Hamzah, is unlikely to get the nominations of a minimum of 58 district chiefs required to run for the top job.
Party members in the country's 191 districts will begin meetings Thursday to decide on the nominations.
Abdullah said he will call a meeting of the 13-party National Front ruling coalition on Wednesday to discuss future plans.
"Our colleagues (in the National Front) have already indicated they would like to be briefed on what we are doing and what the plans are going to be," Abdullah said, refusing to elaborate.
With Abdullah most likely to step aside, and Najib moving up one notch in the hierarchy, senior politicians have started scrambling for the No. 2 post in the ruling party. At least four politicians have publicly declared their intentions to contest with a few more on the sidelines.
When asked if this was healthy given that he has not yet declared his intention to withdraw from the race, Abdullah said, "It is their choice."
"After a while some of them will drop out. After that there will be left only two, perhaps only one," he said.
Nearly a dozen more will contest three vice presidential slots, while scores will vie for the 25-member Supreme Council policy-making body.
The United Malays National Organization, which represents majority ethnic Malays, has been the bedrock of Malaysia's government for five decades but has been discredited since the March elections returned the party to power with a simple majority, instead of the two-thirds majority it has enjoyed since 1969.
The new party president's task is cut out — to counter opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's three-party alliance which is threatening to topple the government through parliamentary defections.

Pak Lah perlu pertahankan jawatan beliau didalam UMNO sebagai Presiden Parti kerana ianya bukan sahaja membabitkan soal maruah tetapi semua kesalahan bukan bermula dizaman Pak Lah.Punca utamanya ialah di zaman Mahathir Mohammad.
Pak Lah cuma perlu berubah dari beberapa segi sahaja.
1.Tindakan tegas keatas korupsi
2.Hapuskan I.S.A
3. Jauhkan Khairy dari duduk dibawah ketiak.
4. Lebih terbuka dengan para parti pembangkang
5. Jauhkan perniagaan yang melibatkan anak beranak
6. .....dan lagi......
Malaysia writer in sedition trial

Raja Petra is already in jail under a law that allows detention without trial
A prominent anti-government blogger has gone on trial in Malaysia on charges of sedition.
Raja Petra Kamaruddin, who is already in jail after being detained under the Internal Security Act, faces charges dating back to an April blog posting.

In the blog, he allegedly implied high-level involvement in a murder case.
His supporters say he is being punished twice, as part of government efforts to use the judiciary to punish its political opponents.
Raja Petra published the country's best-known political blog, Malaysia Today.
In the April posting, he published an article entitled "Let's Send the Altantuya Murderers to Hell".
This allegedly suggested that involvement in the 2006 murder of 28-year-old Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu went as high as the office of Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Mr Najib has consistently denied any involvement.
Ms Shaariibuu had worked as a translator on several government trips.
Prosecutors in the case say two policemen killed her and blew up her body with explosives.
They claim that think-tank director Abdul Razak Baginda, a close associate of Mr Najib, collaborated in the murder because the woman was demanding money after he ended an affair.
The three men are on trial for the murder.
Double jeopardy?
The Associated Press reported that Raja Petra looked frail when he was brought in handcuffs in a police van for the trial.
"They are penalising him twice... It's double jeopardy. But his spirits are up," said Raja Petra's wife, Marina, at a district court, AP reported.
Several dozen supporters greeted Raja Petra at the Kamunting Jail in central Malaysia, wearing T-shirts with slogans such as "I am with RPK", "Free RPK", and "No to ISA".
Raja Petra was arrested on 12 September under the Internal Security Act (ISA) as part of a government clampdown on opposition voices.
An opposition member of parliament and a journalist also arrested at the same time were soon released.
Mr Najib is widely expected to take over as prime minister when incumbent Abdullah Badawi agrees on a transition date.
Mr Abdullah has lost widespread support following the ruling party's poor showing in elections in March.
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