MAJLIS Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat menyatakan rasa dukacita yang amat mendalam di atas kematian mendiang Teoh Beng Hock, Setiausaha Politik Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan negeri Selangor.
Mewakili seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keadilan, pihak Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat ingin merakamkan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga mendiang.
Sebelum ini telah terdapat banyak kematian yang berlaku dalam tahanan pihak berkuasa seperti Allahyarham Rumie Azzan Mahlie dan mendiang Ananthan Kugan.
Kematian mendiang Teoh Beng Hock merupakan kemuncak kepada penyalahgunaan kuasa pihak berwajib dalam menjalankan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan rakyat.
Sehingga kini pihak Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) telah secara berterusan menjalankan siasatan dan membuat ancaman ke atas para pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat, sedangkan laporan demi laporan mengenai penyalahgunaan kuasa para pemimpin Barisan Nasional tidak diendahkan.
Ini adalah bukti kukuh bahawa suruhanjaya yang baru beroperasi selama enam bulan itu hanyalah dijadikan alat oleh Barisan Nasional dan Umno untuk melemahkan Pakatan Rakyat.
Jawapan tegas
Rakyat menuntut jawapan yang lebih tegas dari SPRM dan Perdana Menteri yang menjadikan SPRM sebagai kuda tunggangan Umno, dalam tindakan untuk merampas kerajaan negeri Selangor yang diterajui oleh Pakatan Rakyat.
Badan seperti SPRM seharusnya bertindak profesional dan menyelamatkan integriti mereka dengan mengambil tindakan ke atas laporan terhadap para pimpinan Barisan Nasional yang telah diketahui umum terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan kuasa dan rasuah.
SPRM juga seharusnya memberhentikan teknik mendera dalam soal siasat mereka.
Dalam kes Mendiang Teoh, SPRM perlu mengenal pasti pegawai terlibat seterusnya membawa mereka ke muka pengadilan.
Kami percaya bahawa rakyat semakin hilang kepercayaan terhadap SPRM dan institusi lain yang dtubuhkan oleh kerajaan.
Pakatan Rakyat akan terus menerus menentang kezaliman dan salahguna kuasa institusi ini dengan mengadakan kempen di seluruh negara.
Sehubungan dengan itu Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat hari ini mendesak dan bertegas agar satu Suruhanjaya DiRaja ditubuhkan bagi menyiasat kematian mendiang Teoh Beng Hock dan meneliti teknik dan kaedah siasatan SPRM selama ini. (17 Julai)
Kenyataan media ini dikeluarkan oleh:
Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Ketua Umum KeADILan
Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang
Presiden PAS
Lim Kit Siang Ketua
Ahli Parlimen DAP_

Rayuan dari pihak peguam berhubung dengan bukti pendakwaan bagi pihak DSAI dululuskan oleh peguam yang mengendalikan kes beliau.Namun hari ini ianya cuba di nafikan.Ha....ha.....labu...labu...macamana rakyat nak percaya????
Hari ini kemenangan bgi pihak Anwar apabila orang kuat MCA serta PKR....
Akan ada lagi.........................

Beberapa hari lepas blog ini menyatakan bahawa Chua Jui Meng menyertai PKR.Adakah kerana kehilangan kuasa dan sudah tidak diterima MCA atau sudah tamat tempoh atau memang suaranya sudah tidak kedengaran lagi maka beliau menyertai PKR???
Atau mungkin benar-benar mahu memperjuangkan kebenaran dan keadilan.Mungkin beliau boleh melihat kembali akan Alpha Clinik di Jerman,betapa besarnya Alpha Clinic dan betapa beliau sengaja suka membodek kerajaan waktu itu.
Selamat berjuang Chua.....JANGAN LUPA 1 OGOS......JUMPA DI KUALA LUMPUR.
A Pattern of Repression?
Aliran is shocked and appalled at the death of Teoh Beng Hock, the political secretary to Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hean Wah. Teoh was found dead on a rooftop next to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) building yesterday afternoon. The circumstances surrounding the death are highly suspicious and if anyone is found directly or indirectly responsible, they should be brought to justice.
This horrific incident comes soon after disturbing allegations of the physical assault of a Simpang Renggam Municipal Council administrator in the course of an investigation made in a police report lodged against Johor MACC officials. There is also the account by Kajang Municipal Councillor, Tan Boon Hwa, regarding the allegedly racist nature of his interrogation by MACC officers.Further, the way the police behaved during the demonstration today outside the MACC building is another cause for worry. The beating, the dragging, and the arrests were unnecessary.
The pattern of behavior being exhibited by the very institutions which should be upholding basic ethical standards has destroyed any credibility left in them. What is the point of calling for ‘transparent and open inquiries’ into alleged abuses and into the deaths of those in custody or under interrogation, when the institutions themselves have so clearly displayed prejudice, lack of accountability and indifference to public opinion?Once again we call for the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). We also call for a complete revamp of the leadership, ethics and workings of the MACC.
The current climate of selective investigations, opposition harassment and allegations of physical abuse during interrogations already are a discredit to both the police and the MACC. This appalling incident must result in fundamental changes. Either the Prime Minister himself makes these changes, or we, the Malaysian public, must demand that they be made. Enough is enough.
Executive Committee
Aliran is shocked and appalled at the death of Teoh Beng Hock, the political secretary to Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hean Wah. Teoh was found dead on a rooftop next to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) building yesterday afternoon. The circumstances surrounding the death are highly suspicious and if anyone is found directly or indirectly responsible, they should be brought to justice.
This horrific incident comes soon after disturbing allegations of the physical assault of a Simpang Renggam Municipal Council administrator in the course of an investigation made in a police report lodged against Johor MACC officials. There is also the account by Kajang Municipal Councillor, Tan Boon Hwa, regarding the allegedly racist nature of his interrogation by MACC officers.Further, the way the police behaved during the demonstration today outside the MACC building is another cause for worry. The beating, the dragging, and the arrests were unnecessary.
The pattern of behavior being exhibited by the very institutions which should be upholding basic ethical standards has destroyed any credibility left in them. What is the point of calling for ‘transparent and open inquiries’ into alleged abuses and into the deaths of those in custody or under interrogation, when the institutions themselves have so clearly displayed prejudice, lack of accountability and indifference to public opinion?Once again we call for the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). We also call for a complete revamp of the leadership, ethics and workings of the MACC.
The current climate of selective investigations, opposition harassment and allegations of physical abuse during interrogations already are a discredit to both the police and the MACC. This appalling incident must result in fundamental changes. Either the Prime Minister himself makes these changes, or we, the Malaysian public, must demand that they be made. Enough is enough.
Executive Committee
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