Shah Alam, 28 Dis (Hrkh) - Dewan Pemuda Pas dengan kerjasama Lajnah Pemerkasaan Parti hari ini telah menganjurkan satu kempen yang dikenali ' Jom Sertai Pas' yang turut mengalakkan golongan muda agar mendaftar sebagai pemilih berdaftar untuk Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
Ia dilancarkan secara rasmi pada jam 3 petang semalam di Dataran Shah Alam oleh Presiden PAS Tuan Guru Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Ia juga bakal berlangsung selama lima bulan iaitu bermula pada bulan Januari dan akan berakhir pada bulan Mei 2009 serta akan dilancarkan di beberapa buah negeri lain seperti di Pulau Pinang, 24 Januari. Kedah pada 14 Februari, Perak pada 28 Februari dan Kelantan pada bulan Mac.
Pengarah kempen ini, Ahmad Subki Yusuf yang juga merangkap Setiausaha Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat berkata PAS mensasarkan jumlah ahli sebanyak 100,000 orang.
"Semua ini adalah terdiri daripada Ahli Pas dan Ahli Kelab Penyokong Pas baru dan pelbagai aktiviti akan digerakkan untuk menambahkan lagi keahlian baru" katanya.
Bagi memudahkan lagi urusan pendaftaran, boleh hubungi 03-26925000 samb. 210 atau melalui sistem pesanan ringkas dengan menaip nama jarak daerah dan hantar ke 013-2226018 atau layari - azm_
PKR TAK BUAT KA....JOM SERTAI PKR?????he..he...he....
Klang Sentral: Make concession agreement public-anilnetto
A storm is blowing over Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor and the mainstream media are going to town over it.
One of the issues that was bound to crop up sooner or later revolves around the Pakatan Rakyat leaders’ relationship with the the business community including developers. PR representatives need to keep the business community at arm’s length to protect the interests of the public. It cannot always be a “win-win” situation. Sometimes, PR leaders have to choose whose interests they want to protect and uphold - vested business interests or the people’s interests (public safety and environmental protection). For instance, PR leaders need to respond decisively to the people’s demands for a ban on all steep hill-slope development.
The other issue is whether CAT is really being put into practice - or is it just a slogan? For instance, why haven’t Pakatan leaders declared their assets publicly? Pakatan reps were elected to power in five states because people felt they would be different from the BN folks.
I made a quick call to economist Charles Santiago, the DAP MP for Klang and one of the more principled politicians in Pakatan, to find out what was going on with the move of the main bus station to Klang Sentral, about 15 minutes away.
He explained that there had been public protests and opposition to the move to Klang Sentral. In view of this, all he was asking for was for the concession agreement between the Klang Municipal Council and the developer to be made public and for a public inquiry to be held before a final decision was made. Sounds reasonable to me.
Pakatan had better resolve this quickly, but I suspect this is just a symptom of a much deeper problem that is bound to manifest itself in different ways and on other occasions.
Ye anill why it had happened??? when people supported for the next election , no more hope for Pakatan MPs and their colleagues especially their youth hope lah..........
A storm is blowing over Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor and the mainstream media are going to town over it.
One of the issues that was bound to crop up sooner or later revolves around the Pakatan Rakyat leaders’ relationship with the the business community including developers. PR representatives need to keep the business community at arm’s length to protect the interests of the public. It cannot always be a “win-win” situation. Sometimes, PR leaders have to choose whose interests they want to protect and uphold - vested business interests or the people’s interests (public safety and environmental protection). For instance, PR leaders need to respond decisively to the people’s demands for a ban on all steep hill-slope development.
The other issue is whether CAT is really being put into practice - or is it just a slogan? For instance, why haven’t Pakatan leaders declared their assets publicly? Pakatan reps were elected to power in five states because people felt they would be different from the BN folks.
I made a quick call to economist Charles Santiago, the DAP MP for Klang and one of the more principled politicians in Pakatan, to find out what was going on with the move of the main bus station to Klang Sentral, about 15 minutes away.
He explained that there had been public protests and opposition to the move to Klang Sentral. In view of this, all he was asking for was for the concession agreement between the Klang Municipal Council and the developer to be made public and for a public inquiry to be held before a final decision was made. Sounds reasonable to me.
Pakatan had better resolve this quickly, but I suspect this is just a symptom of a much deeper problem that is bound to manifest itself in different ways and on other occasions.
Ye anill why it had happened??? when people supported for the next election , no more hope for Pakatan MPs and their colleagues especially their youth hope lah..........
No plans for punitive laws

Political party of Anwar Ibrahim denied it would push for stricter Islamic laws if they come into power. -AFP
Sun, Dec 28
KUALA LUMPUR - THE political party of former Malaysian premier Anwar Ibrahim denied on Sunday it would push to impose strict Islamic laws, such as punishing theft by amputation, if they come to power.
Speculation has been rife about what Mr Anwar's party would do after a member of his opposition coalition said last week that Hudud - an area of Islamic criminal law covering punishments for certain deeds - would be instituted for Muslims in multi-ethnic Malaysia.
The speculation deepened because Mr Anwar has yet to respond to those comments, but a member of his Keadilan party said it had no plans for Hudud in the country.
'Our position is clear,' said Tian Chua, Keadilan's information chief, who said Mr Anwar was currently out of the country.
'Islamic criminal laws for Muslims is not part our struggle. It is also not part of the coalition's plan to introduce it when we come to power,' he said.
Muslim-majority Malaysia has traditionally been seen as moderate on such issues.
But race relations have been strained by a series of controversial court cases involving the rights of Muslims and non-Muslims, and questions over which group takes precedence.
Mr Anwar repeatedly said he had assembled enough votes to topple the government and seize power after elections in March saw the opposition alliance make significant gains, including winning one-third of parliament seats.
The mass defections from the ruling coalition that he envisioned have not materialised, however.
Isu MP Kapar: Syed Husin minta semua henti bertelagah-Malaysiakini

Para pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat - gabungan pembangkang yang terdiri daripada PKR, PAS dan DAP - dinasihatkan supaya berhenti menimbulkan perbezaan dan konflik antara mereka melalui media."Saya ingin menggesa dan merayu kepada pelbagai pihak dalam Pakatan supaya berhenti daripada membawa perbezaan dan konflik mereka melalui media terutama yang dikawal oleh BN (Barisan Nasional)," kata Timbalan Presiden PKR, Dr Syed Husin Ali."Ini termasuk bukan sahaja MB Selangor (Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim) dan Anggota Parlimen Kapar (S Manikavasagam) tetapi juga Speaker Selangor (wakil DAP Teng Chang Khim) dan Anggota Parlimen Klang (wakil DAP Charles Santiago),"

katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.Sebaliknya, kata beliaiu, mereka hendaklah duduk bersama dan berbincang bagi menyelesaikan perbezaan dan konflik secara dalaman. Menurutnya, terdapat banyak saluran dan prosedur untuk berbuat demikian.
soqang lagi ahli hangpa dari PKR....YB Fairus..............cantikkkkkk...hangpa gaduh....gaduh....gaduh...sekali lagi UMNO ambik balik.......kena fikir macam nak perintah negara.Bukan fikir macam nak jaga JKKK.Malu pada orang .........tak malu ka?
Palestine: Malaysia "deplores" actions of Israel & Indonesia "condemns" Israeli air attacks

According to Bernma News Agency, Malaysia has called upon the United Nations Security Council to take the necessary action over the grave situation in Gaza following the escalating violence arising out of the latest air strikes by Israel which is continuing. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Malaysia deplored the disproportionate use of military power by Israel against the people of Gaza. Expressing Malaysia's concern, he said, the excessive use of force by Israel had resulted in the deaths and injuries of hundreds of innocent civilians in Gaza including women and children. "There must be an immediate halt to the violence.
The international community must assist to establish peace in Gaza and this can only be done through peaceful means," he said in a statement here Sunday. He added that with reports of widespread casualties and suffering among the people there, a humanitarian catastrophe must be avoided at all costs. Meanwhile, Indonesia has condemned the Israeli missile attacks on the Gaza Strip, accusing Israel of abusing the Annapolis agreement signed by the two disputing countries in November last year and warning that the air strikes will only trigger "new tensions" in the area, according to Jakarta Post.
"The Indonesian government is deeply upset by the deaths of about 150 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip caused by the Israeli missile attacks, said Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah in an official statement made available to The Jakarta Post Saturday.
"The Indonesian government condemns the attack and calls for Israel to end the use of violence in the Gaza Strip because this will prompt new tensions, while, on the other side, the attack is an abuse of the Annapolis agreement which had been negotiated,"
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