Athi Veranggan Dec 7, 08 4:37pm
Two feuding PKR leaders in Penang were at the receiving end of a stern tongue-lashing from a furious Anwar Ibrahim at a private meeting on Saturday.
The party supremo has given the duo – Deputy Chief Minister Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin and executive councillor Abdul Malik Abul Kassim – an ultimatum to bury their hatchet.
Otherwise, the duo has been warned of drastic actions that would see both leaders packed off from the Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s state cabinet.
Both incurred the wrath of the PKR leader as their bitter squabble was tearing apart state PKR and disrupting the smooth operations of Lim's government of late.
The dressing down took place in Anwar's hotel room after he had delivered a keynote address at the two-day international conference entitled 'The New Economic Vision for Penang and Malaysia' in Georgetown yesterday.
"The boss (Anwar) told them to set aside their differences and end their quarrel once and for all. Otherwise, he would not hesitate to replace them," said a Pakatan leader.
PKR has nine assemblypersons in Penang legislative assembly, including three in state executive council.
Penanti assemblyperson Mohammad Fairus (left) is charge of religious affairs, entrepreneurial and cooperative development, information and community relations, while Batu Maung's Abdul Malik is charge of domestic trade and consumer affairs.
Bukit Tambun elected representative Law Choo Kiang is the third PKR executive councillor in charge of agriculture and agro-based industry, rural development and flood mitigation portfolios.
Other PKR state assemblypersons are Jason Ong (Kebun Bunga), VS Raveenthran (Batu Uban), Sim Tze Tzin (Pantai Jerejak), Ong Chin Wen (Bukit Tengah), Maktar Shapee (Sungai Bakap) and Tan Hock Leong (Machang Bubok), who is also the assembly deputy speaker.
Abdul Malik came out worse
It's learnt Abdul Malik came out worse from Anwar's 40-minute dressing down.
Anwar, the Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader, was particularly irked by the tacit character assassination campaign carried out aggressively in certain blog sites against Fairus since he was appointed as Lim's number two.
Sources said the PKR supremo's internal probe unearthed evidence that Abdul Malik (left) was the mastermind behind the internal plot to topple the 33-year-old Fairus.
"It is not difficult to identify the mastermind given that Abdul Malik is the most likely person to benefit directly from an imminent Fairus exit," said a state PKR leader.
Malaysiakini reported on Saturday that a PKR state leader, said to be driven by jealousy, hatched the plan to oust Fairus after he was appointed deputy chief minister.
Sources indicated that the PKR leader has engaged bloggers and even conspired with certain local Umno leaders to topple Fairus from the coveted position.
After Pakatan stormed to power on March 8 general election, Abdul Malik was widely speculated to be picked as Lim's deputy. But Anwar chose Fairus instead.
Since then, Fairus has been in the limelight for all the wrong reasons, with speculations were rife that Anwar was fed up with him and on the verge of removing him from the state’s No 2 post.
Fairus often late to work
Anwar closed-door rebuke on Fairus’ alleged under performance and his frequent coming late to work, and at times absenteeism from functions without valid reasons, were widely reported in certain blogs.
Anwar was piqued that a PKR leader had conspired with certain Umno assemblypersons, such as Seberang Jaya's Arif Shah Omar Shah and Pulau Betong's Muhamad Farid Saad, to attack the embattled Fairus.
During last month's assembly sitting, Muhamad Farid has called on Fairus to step down, chiding him for incompetence, while Arif Shah recently created a furore after he said Anwar had offered the deputy chief minister’s post to lure him to PKR. This was however denied by Anwar.
Fairus too did not escape Anwar's fury. The deputy chief minister was warned to buck up to avert providing ammunition to his detractors.
When contacted, Fairus confirmed that Anwar had a private meeting with the duo, but declined to deliberate.
"The issue is closed. I'm sorry that there is no more news about me for the media to sensationalise," he told Malaysiakini with a broad smile.
Abdul Malik, on the other hand, declined comment on the subject.
"I don't know anything about Fairus issue," he quipped.
Najib: PR internal strife is BN’s gain

Berbagai peristiwa menarik yang berlaku sepanjang perjalanan sebelum memasuki Permatang Pauh.bermula dari Utara ke Pulau Pinang dan kini di tanah besar Permatang Pauh.dalam perjalanan kelihatan kepada para pengayuh bahawa masih ada lagi kampung-kampung yang tidak mendapat bekalam letrik........di kawasan Kedah
Melalui kawasan ladang getah dan disitu timbul kesedaran bahawa 51 tahun merdeka masih ada yang terlalu banyak kekurangan dalam membentuk sebuah masyarakat yang mempunyai kemudahan di dalam sebuah negara yang merdeka ini.
Terima kasih kepada penngayuh KRIS yang memberi bantuan gambar-gambar dan maklumat dari masa ke semasa
PERMTANG PAUH-7DIS pengayuh Basikal "JERIT" yang singah di Yayasan Aman semalam di undang oleh tetamu yang tidak senang dengan kehadiran mereka di situ.walau pun hanya mengayuh basikal "ancaman' diterima olehmereka apabila pihak berkuasa hadir menyoal dan 6 buah basikal di bakar.
Menurut saudara Kris, mereka mendengar teriakan "hidup atau mati tidak kira" dan sebuah motosikal yang berada di luar memecut laju setelah semua mereka keluar apabila terbau benda terbakar.kesan kebakaran juga masih kelihatan .
Menurut saudara Kris, mereka mendengar teriakan "hidup atau mati tidak kira" dan sebuah motosikal yang berada di luar memecut laju setelah semua mereka keluar apabila terbau benda terbakar.kesan kebakaran juga masih kelihatan .
Buat masa kini pihak polis masih lagi berada di kawasan yayasan Aman untuk "menghalau"pengayuh dari berda lebih lama.....
Kempen basikal 'raykat pengayuh perubahan' dilancarkan

December 2008 21:56
Menteri Besar Selangor Khalid Ibrahim telah menyatakan sokongan penuh dan melancarkan kempen basikal Jerit "Rakyat pengayuh perubahan' pada 29 November 2008 di perkarangan Stadium Melawati.
Program telah bermula dengan lagu "Power to People" memang tepat dengan program pelancaran. Kebanyakan orang yang hadir, memakai T-shirt Jerit merah memberi identiti tersendiri kepada majlis ini. Pengerusi Majlis memulakan program dengan sedikit pengenalan mengenai Jerit. Ucapan pertama adalah oleh Saudari Kohila, Penyelaras Jerit. Dalam ucapan beliau telah mengatakan bahawa Kempen Basikal ini diadakan untuk membawa mesej kesedaran kepada rakyat bahawa hanya mereka sahaja yang boleh membawa perubahan tulen dalam negara. Beliau juga telah menyeru semua orang untuk memberi sokongan kepada delegasi basikal apabila mereka sampai dikawasan-kawasan mereka dan seterusnya turun pada 18 Disember 2008 untuk hantar memorandum ke Parlimen. Setelah ucapan beliau, satu team delegasi basikal telah mengayuh masuk di hadapan pentas.

Dan wakil-wakil dari rakyat telah memberi enam tuntutan Jerit kepada Menteri Besar yang mangantungnya atas setiap basikal. Setelah itu Menteri Besar Khalid telah memberi ucapan pelancaran beliau. Khalid telah mengatakan bahwa beliau megah dalam melancarkan program Kempen Basikal ini. Beliau juga telah menyatakan bahawa adalah perlu gerakan seperti Jerit untuk mengingatkan tanggungjawab Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat.
Tambah Khalid Ibrahim, tuntutan Jerit adalah selaras dengan inisiatif Kerajaan Negeri Selangor untuk merakyatkan ekonomi negeri Selangor dan memberi sokongan penuh kepada kempen Jerit. Setelah ucapan pelancaran, beliau telah memotong belon yang dan seterusnya melancarkan Kempen Basikal Jerit.Setelah itu slogan "Hidup Rakyat! Hidup Perjuangan!" dilaungkan dan majlis diakhiri dengan pemberian cenderahati kepada Khalid dan Exco Negeri Selangor Dr Xavier yang telah membantu Jerit dalam mengadakan pelancaran ini. Kempen Basikal Jerit Rakyat Pengayuh Perubahan adalah satu inisiatif Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit) yang akan berbasikal ke seluruh negara melalui pekan-pekan dan bandar-bandar utama dengan membawa mesej kesedaran tentang isu-isu semasa yang memberi tekanan kepada kehidupan rakyat.
Antaranya adalah isu kenaikan harga minyak, penggunaan akta zalim seperti ISA ke atas rakyat, isu global seperti alam sekitar dan krisis makanan yang dihadapi oleh kebanyakan negara di dunia.Kempen Basikal ini akan bermula di dua lokasi utama dari Utara dan Selatan pada 3 Disember 2008 dan akan sampai ke perkarangan Parlimen Kuala Lumpur pada 18 Disember dimana memorandum dijangka dihantar kepada Perdana Menteri dan Ketua Pembangkang Anwar Ibrahim.
Sepanjang jalan para peserta akan mengedarkan risalah kesedaran dan juga menghantar memorandum kepada Menteri Besar atau Ketua Menteri negeri yang disinggahnya. Semua Menteri Besar dan Ketua Menteri telah dimaklumkan. Kempen Basikal "Rakyat Pengayuh Perubahan" akan membawa isu dan masalah rakyat yang sebenar kepada platform nasional. Kami menyeru rakyat biasa untuk menyertai dan menyahut panggilan kami untuk bersama-sama menjayakan kempen ini. Disertakan disini senarai organisasi dan individu yang menyokong Kempen dan Tuntutan "Rakyat Pengayuh Perubahan":
1. YAB Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Dato Abdul Khalid Ibrahim2. YAB Menteri Besar Perak Dato Seri Ir Haji Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin3. YB Timbalan Ketua Menteri Prof Dr P.Ramasamy4. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor5. Kerajaan Negeri Perak6. Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang7. Kerajaan Negeri Kedah8. ADUN Kota Damansara YB Dr Nasir9. ADUN Seri Andalas dan Exco Negeri Selangor YB Dr Xavier 10. ADUN Bukit Lanjan & Exco Negeri Selangor YB Elizabeth Wong11. MP Sungai Siput Dr Jeyakumar12. MP Batu Gajah YB Fong Poh Kuan13. MP Kuala Krai YB Dr Hatta Ramli14. ADUN TEJA, YB Chang Lih Khang15. Ahli Parlimen Klang YB Charles Santiago 16. ADUN Teratai Jenice Lee Ying Ha17. ADUN Pandamaran dan Exco Negeri Selangor YB Ronnie Liu18. ADUN Kinrara , MP Seputeh, Exco Kanan Negeri Selangor YB Teresa Kok19. ADUN Simpang Pulai YB Chan Ming Kai20. ADUN Rawang YB Gan Pei Nei21. ADUN Kota Alam Shah YB Manogaran22. ADUN Sri Muda Yb Suhaimi23. MP Kapar YB Manickavasagam24. MP Bukit Gantang YB Roslan Sharom25. MP PJ Selatan Yb Hee Loy Sian26. Parti Sosialis Malaysia27. Parti Rakyat Malaysia28. Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS)29. Parti Keadilan Rakyat30. Democratic Action Party31. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)32. KOMAS33. PERMAS34. DEMA35. Empower36. Centre for Orang Asli Concern (COAC)37. People's Parliament38. Civil Right Commitee of Kuala Lumpur& Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall. 39. Youth Section of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall40. Women's Aid organisation (WAO)41. Migrant Care42. LLG Cultural Development Centre43. All Women's Action Society ( AWAM)44. Jawatankuasa Kebajikan Mahasiswa/i (JKMI)45. Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor (PSWS)46. DAP PJU Parliament Liaison47. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN)48. Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ)49. Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC)
Invitation to Launch of SUARAM's 2008 Human Rights Report Overview and Presentation of SUARAM Human Rights Awards 2008

Address: 433A, Jalan 5/46, Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor , Malaysia .Telephone: +6 03 7784 3525
Fax: +6 03 7784 3526
4 December 2008
To Presidents, Chairpersons, Directors and Coordinators of Non-Governmental Organisations and Supporters of Human Rights,
Launch of SUARAM’s 2008 Human Rights Report Overview and Presentation of SUARAM Human Rights Awards 2008
In conjunction with the International Human Rights Day 2008, SUARAM will launch its 2008 Human Rights Report Overview and present its 10th annual Human Rights Awards 2008. Therefore, SUARAM is pleased to invite you to the event which will be held at the following:
Date: 9 December 2008 (Tuesday)
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, No. 1 Jalan Maharajalela , 50150 Kuala Lumpur.
(For location map of the venue, please click on the following link: http://www.scah/. org
Through this event, SUARAM aims to critically evaluate the human rights situation in Malaysia in 2008 and to give recognition to those who have selflessly struggled for the human rights cause.
This event will also be the perfect platform for us to foster solidarity in defending and advocating human rights in Malaysia . As such, your attendance will speak volumes in our mutual quest for a better Malaysia .
Attached herewith is the programme for the event on 9 December 2008.
For further inquiries, please contact John Liu or Wong Chai Yi at 03-77843525 / 012-7771152 or
Sincerely yours,
John Liu
Documentation and Monitoring Coordinator
Launch of SUARAM’s 2008 Human Rights Report Overview and Presentation of SUARAM Human Rights Awards 2008
Date: 9 December 2008
Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Venue: KLSCAH Programme Launch of Civil and Political Rights Status Report 2008 Overview and Announcement of Winner of Human Rights Awards 2008 1.00pm – 1.10am
Welcome remarks1.10pm – 1.40pm
Presentation of Malaysia: Civil and Political Rights Status Report 2008 Overview1.40pm – 1.50pm
Introduction and background of SUARAM Human Rights Awards1.50pm – 2.00pm
Video introduction of nominees Year 2008 followed by announcement of winners of SUARAM Human Rights Awards 20082.00pm – 2.05pm
Acceptance speech by winners2.05pm – 2.30pm
Question and answer on 2008 Civil and Political Rights Status Report Overview and Human Rights Awards 2008
2.30pm – 3.00pm Coffee break
16 Jerit cyclists arrested in Malaysia

Dec 6, 2008 The 'Ride for change' campaign has hit another snag. This morning, 16 activists about to take part in the cycling campaign were arrested at Suaram's office in Skudai and released after about an hour of questioning.
According to the campaign's southern region co-ordinator Nyam Kee Han, who was also arrested, some of the cyclists were arrested at 8.30am when around 50 police officers put up a total of eight roadblocks around the office area. "The first 12 people were arrested at 8.30am, when they were trying to negotiate with the police in front of our office gate so we all could proceed with our plan. "But as they were trying to negotiate, the police decided to arrest them instead.
The remaining four, including myself, who were in the office, were arrested at 9.15am," said Nyam, who was at the Skudai police station when contacted. According to Nalini, who is also Suaram co-ordinator, the police arrested the group for illegal assembly. "But I argued that it was not an illegal assembly as we were all just trying to cycle. But the police said that they received specific instructions to arrest us," said Nalini.
The campaign is Jerit's attempt to raise awareness of the current issues plaguing the country like food shortage, environmental problems, draconian laws and the current financial crisis. The group is scheduled to hand over a memorandum to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim at the end of their campaign.
Jerit co-ordinator Y Kohila explained at the launch of the event last week that the campaign was inspired by estate workers in Bukit Asahan, Melaka, who marched 150km to Kuala Lumpur in the 1970s to meet the then prime minister to resolve their problems. "We were not allowed to go out and the police started disturbing our bicycles, sitting on them and pushing them, and that's when we got angry," said Kohila, adding that the police accused activists of being unco-operative. "But the bicycles are our property and they have no right to do so.
Then they started asking the participants, especially the students, questions just to intimidate us," she added. Prior to that, she claimed that officers threatened to break down the office gate. "But we opened it ourselves when they gave us that warning," said Kohila. She also said the arrests this morning had thwarted their plans. "The police told us not to cycle in Skudai. They said even if one person cycles in Skudai, he or she would be arrested," she said. When asked about Jerit's next step, she replied, "We will decide once we go to Kulai to have our lunch but we'll let you know if we get arrested there." When contacted by Malaysiakini this afternoon, Nalini said the whole team was still in Kulai.
"The police are still following our bus to all the places we are going to. They are intimidating us by taking pictures and preventing us from moving." At around 4.30pm, 13 activists started cycling from Kulai to Simpang Renggam. However, according to Nalini, police stopped the Jerit activists and took them to the Kulai police station, where they were issued traffic summonses for not having reflectors on their bicycles. As of 7pm, cyclist were still on the way to Simpang Renggam.
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