To our dearest sister and friend, Elizabeth Our reason for writing is for several reasons. First and foremost to say thank you. Thank you for being YOU. Thank you for having the courage to follow your purpose. Thank you for making us proud of our gifts of womanhood. We all know about the painful ordeal you are going through. We deeply feel the pain and agony you are feeling.
The fact that you’ve been through all that and have not let it get in your way is such an inspiration to all of us! Bravo to you ! We just want you to know that should the critiscm get thick again…(and we will be awfully surprised if it doesn’t…) that for every one of those people who are naysayer, there are many more that support you with love and respect.
Our voices may not always be heard over the blazing negativity of the controlled media..but when you go into your heart..in that moment of stillness you will hear the angels singing your praise and our thanks. You have given so much to so many over in your service as ADUN and as well as EXCO. Our way of giving back to you is to offer you our loving support and prayers. For you are our sister and we are all with you 100% .
We the women of Perak pledge our undying love and support to you!
With deepest and warmest LOVE.