Drama Loyer Penyamun sedang berlangsung dalam court...
Loyer Hisyam 'ugut' nak tarik diri jika mahkamah tak tangguh
Ringkasnya, hakim kata 'tidak boleh, awak tidak boleh keluar dan
tinggalkan Najib begitu saja'. 'Awak ambil kes ini, awak tentu mampu handle kes
ini. Team awak ada peguam² lain, bukan awak seorang'.
Awak tak boleh masuk court kemudian keluar begitu saja. Nak
tarik diri kena ikut peraturan. Kena kemukakan afidavit.
Mahkamah tolak penarikan diri Hisyam. Sedangkan Zaid dah bagi
full komitmen untuk pertahan Najib. Zaid dah janji tidak akan tinggalkan
(abandon) pelanggan dia.
Yelah Zaid, pelanggan dah bayar deposit, peguam awak tak
bolehlah tarik diri.
Chief Justice Tun Tengku Maimun:
“We reiterate that we have given the broad grounds. Are you
aware that as a superior court we have the inherent jurisdiction to administer
justice, and that our jurisdiction is to ensure that the court functions?”
“Do you accept that? Your client will be unrepresented. If you
discharge (yourself), you will leave him unrepresented. Do you accept
Hisyam replies that he accepts everything that she is saying,
but under the circumstances he cannot continue to represent Najib.
Tengku Maimun then says: “But you still need our permission to
discharge yourself,”
She adds that he should have filed an affidavit first.
“Counsels should not just walk away without telling the court.
In our mind, you can handle the case and you have many counsels available,” she
Hisyam replies that he still needs more time.
Tengku Maimun hits back that the judges have already made their
decision on adjournment.
Earlier, she said that Hisyam is not discharged and is still on
the record as Najib’s counsel.