Press Statement – UMNO stirring the racial pot in Seksyen 23 – Shah Alam

Press Statement – UMNO stirring the racial pot in Seksyen 23 –

Shah Alam HINDRAF condemns the latest incident involving the act of placing a severed cow’s head outside the gates of the state secretariat building inSelangor. HINDRAF believes UMNO and their cohorts in the Royal Police Force (PDRM) organized this act that is inflammatory with an intention to incite and create racialhatred and feelings between the Muslims and Hindus.

These perpetrators were able to walk over 300 metres in open publicand conduct their seditious speeches calling openly for bloodshed, andracial chaos without any interference from the police force. So farnothing has been done by the PDRM or the AG’s department other thanissuing lip service statements. Selangor Police chief Khalid Abu Bakar states “If a report is lodged,we will definitely take the necessary action,".

Here weare talking about an outright and outrageous act in fanning racialhatred that could threaten the public security and he claims he needsa police report before an action can be taken. The police had on many previous occasions brutally arrested and questioned peaceful protesters without any reasons for fear of public security, but they would need a reportbefore they can take any action for those inciting violence and parading in the public with a severed cow’s head to undermine the sensitivity of the Hindus.

This is absurdand nonsensical. Who else could practice such double standard other the UMNO ledgovernment and its stooges and that is why HINDRAF believes that thisis the work of the UMNO government to create unrest in Selangor. There is no distinction between a muslim dominated area and non muslimdominated area as Malaysia is one multiracial and multiculturalsociety living together side by side in co-existence in respect of each other’s race,religious practice and beliefs. Instead of promoting harmony amongst Malaysians, UMNO is fast becomingthe public threat by protecting such devious and extremist acts.

UMNO should curtail such irresponsible acts rather than seeding andsowing hatred, bullying extremist elements and fascist mindset amongstthe fanatical Muslims for their own political survival. PM Najib has to immediately issue a statement and make a firm stand onthe subject and not delegate this paramount duty to his “mandores” andeventually hoping for the whole issue to be swept under thecarpet.

If the AG’s department fails to charge these perpetrators, HINDRAFwould proceed to formally lodge complaints with the UN Human RightsCouncil, European Parliament, UK Foreign affairs select committee andthe Global Human Rights Defence based in The Hague. In solidarity for a harmonious Malaysia Hindraf calls upon all peaceful citizens who respect and cherish Religious Freedom and the right to co-exist to join us on a peaceful candle vigil at Dataran Merdeka on 5th September 2009 at 6.45pm

Thank you.

P. Waytha Moorthy



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