There is some update on the case. Eight students were charged by the University Malaya (UM) authority under Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) with the reason that inviting "outsiders" to events organized in the university.

Six of them are from UM Chinese Language Society while two of them are from Islamic Students Organization (UM Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam). They were asked to attend an inquiry on 12/10/2009 (Monday), 11.30am to determine if action is to be taken against them for violation of rules and regulations of the university.

Please call, fax or email the sample letter below to Vice-Chancellor of UM to show your concern.

Y. Bhg. Professor Datuk Dr. Ghauth Jasmon
Vice-ChancellorUniversity of Malaya50603 Kuala LumpurMalaysiaTel. No.: 03-7967 3213 / 3510 / 03-7956 8400Fax No.: 03-7955 2975Email: vc@um.edu.my <mailto:vc@um.edu.my> / ghauth@gmail.com <mailto:ghauth@gmail.com>

They were asked to attend an inquiry on 12/10/2009 (Monday), 11.30am to determine if action is to be taken against them for violation of rules and regulations of the university.

We strongly feel that the UUCA charge should be withdrawn because:

*a) **The six students have done nothing wrong. They were only organizing a debate competition that provides a platform for intellectual discussion on current national issues. *

*b) **Student’s organizations should enjoy autonomy in the campus to organize activities. The university authority should respect the autonomy of students and stop intimidates the university students for any activities. *

*c) **The charges are unreasonable and politically motivated. The university authority intends to suppress student activities and spreading white terror in the campus. This action is against student’s freedom of expression.*
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*Background of the incident:*

On 8th September 2009, debate team under University Malaya Chinese Language Society has organized a debate competition on politics in the country. They have invited a few politicians to debate on the recent political development in Malaysia. Those politicians include Victor Gu and Teo Nie Ching. The organizer also invited Teresa Kok (Seputeh MP), Wong Nai Chee (MCA central committee member) and political commentator, Koh Kok Wee to be the judges for the debate competition.

Before the debate competition start, the organizer has been given warning by the Students Affairs Department through telephone. The reason given is that debate is politically oriented. However, the debate competition managed to carry on.

On 7th October 2009, five of the university students that involved in organizing the debate competition and the president of University Malaya Chinese Language Society, Saw Yee Fung were given summon letter. They were asked to attend an inquiry on 12/10/2009 (Monday), 11.30am to determine if action is to be taken against them for violation of rules and regulations of the university.

*Violation of student freedom and autonomy*

By charging the six students under UUCA is a form of suppression on university student autonomy. University students should be granted the freedom to organize activities that promotes intellectual discussion and critical thinking. The role of university is to provide environment that is conducive for activities to take place. In fact, the university should encourage more activities like this. This will enable more students to understand and participate in the recent national development.

It is also the freedom of university students to choose which guests to invite for an activity. Therefore, when the six students are charged for inviting "outsiders" to judge a Chinese language debate competition, it clearly violated the student autonomy. The ground given by the university authority does not stand because over the years, UM have invited many ministers, politicians and well-known personalities to attend events at UM. This clearly showed that there is double standard in this case.

Moreover, the university authority intends to suppress students with hidden agenda. All the suppressions are politically motivated. This is because after the debate competition has ended for 1 month, the university authority only takes action against the 6 university students. Therefore, we have the reason to believe that the suppression is getting worse especially near to campus election. The purpose of this action is to spread white terror to the students and restrict the freedom enjoyed by the university students.

Hence, DEMA calls upon authority of UM to withdraw any disciplinary charge from them immediately. DEMA also urges the authority of UM to respect the students autonomy.

*What Can You Do?*
1. *Fax the sample letter below to UM authority immediately.*
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*UM Vice Chancellor’s Office:*
*No. Fax: 03-7955 2975*
*Email: pej_nc@um.edu.my <mailto:pej_nc@um.edu.my>*

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