04/01/2009 6:43 PM
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia's incoming leader Najib Razak said he expects to be sworn into office as prime minister Friday, cementing a smooth transfer of power.
Najib, currently deputy prime minister and president of the dominant United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) party, said he would meet Malaysia's king early Thursday with outgoing Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Officials close to the prime minister have said Abdullah would tender his resignation during that meeting.
"Tomorrow (Thursday), the PM will invite me to accompany him to have an audience with the king and subject to the king's consent, then Friday will be the (swearing-in) ceremony," Najib told reporters.
"I have not had an audience with the king yet, so hopefully the king will graciously give his consent," he added.
Najib was last Thursday officially declared president of UMNO, a role that effectively clears the way for him to be premier because of its dominance of the political scene.
He said he would also Friday reveal details of the direction he wanted to take Malaysia amid economic crisis and political uncertainty, with the core of his roadmap being a programme aimed at uniting the multi-racial nation.
"I think this new thrust will ensure there will be a fairer distribution of government allocations and assistance to all communities," he said.
UMNO leads the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition which has ruled Malaysia for more than half a century since the former colony gained independence from Britain in 1957.
However, last year it put up its worst electoral performance for 39 years, leading to calls for Abdullah to step down.
The coalition of race-based parties -- which also represent ethnic Chinese and Indian communities -- were mauled by the opposition led by former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim.