The Malaysia Hindu Sangam respects the right of the National Fatwa Council to give guidance for persons professing Islam on the tenets and practices of Islam.
However, in doing so, they must respect the sensitivities and feelings of the other religions in Malaysia. Many Hindus have been deeply disturbed by the Fatwa Councils announcement.
Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. It is a unique system that benefits both the mind and the body. It has been accepted by medical science as most beneficial. To call this ancient practice haram and saying that it can corrupt a person is very hurtful and demeaning.
It is regretted that the National Fatwa Council did not consult with the Malaysia Hindu Sangam first so that the religious and non religious aspects of Yoga could have been explained to them.
Although the fatwa does not directly prohibit Hindus from practicing yoga, Malaysians do not live in isolation from each other.
Many Hindus and non Hindus practice yoga together in a non religious manner, and this fatwa will have a tendency to drive a wedge between ourselves.
It is regretted that this fatwa prohibiting yoga shows a tendency towards a lack of tolerance and understanding which can cause communities to distance themselves from one another.
Dated 23rd September 2008
Datuk A VaithilingamPresident Malaysia Hindu Sangam
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