Umno leaders should be charged for sedition too


I refer to Malaysiakini’s report MIC's 'Robin Hood' to meet the whip.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi used to lament that we have world-class infrastructure but Third World mentality. When he came to power, I, for one, thought that he and his cabinet would lead the way. After about four years, he and his ministers are far from achieving the First World mentality. Recent events confirm their state of mind.

When a MIC member spoke in Parliament about the hardships faced by the Indian community, a fact that Hindraf was trying to put across, without hesitation the ‘know-all’ minister Nazri sprang to action. Nazri insisted that this parliamentarian must pay for his foul-up with the ruling party even though it is a fact. In other words, when the ruling party claims that the world is flat, all members must agree.

Najib explained that anyone who fanned racial sentiments and instigated the people would be charged in court as their actions breached the country's laws. He added that no matter who they are, if they are found to be giving or have given seditious speeches that arouse the anger of the other races, they can be charged.

I strongly agree with such action. All peace-loving Malaysians will be behind you. He seems to be blind to the beam in his eye, but can see the splinter in Hindraf's eyes. When Umno delegates make speeches which even an imbecile could sense to be seditious under full view of the nation, there were no charges leveled against them.

Yes, Najib. Charge by all means those who create troubles and we are 100 percent behind you. It is disgusting when your policies are inconsistent. And inconsistence is the order of the day and an attribute of Third World mentality.

When Pak Lah said that Hindraf could hand over the memorandum in an orderly manner and need not march in the streets, he forgot that it was his son-in-law who led the way. His son-in-law could have sent his message to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in a quiet way instead of leading a demonstration. May I ask, if it is permissible for Khairy, why is it not for others?

Nazri even labelled the demonstrating lawyers as “crazy people”. By the same token, Nazri had inadvertently labelled Khairy as one of them. Here again, Nazri thought the
rakyat are fools. If he lacked grey matter upstairs, do not presume others are of his class. They most probably thought that the rakyat are living in the earlier post-Merdeka era when kampung folks would relax over a cup of coffee and smoking rokok daun, town folks happily watching Teochew opera or the estate workers treated to a free show on the padang.

Just to wake you up, Mr PM, these simple folks have changed and are better informed through the advent of Internet. Even though some may not read, their children or neighbours could feed them with the latest information. Yes, the
rakyat had changed to first-class mentality, but sadly those in the ruling parties are stuck in the third!

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