Presiden Aliran P Ramakirshnan, dalam satu mesej hari ini yang disasarkan kepada parti politik dan ahli politiknya, berkata mereka ‘boleh main politik dengan apa carapun’; namun dia memberi amaran kepada mereka agar mereka tidak memikirkan bahawa politik lapok ras, personaliti atau cita-cita rakus boleh membantu mereka menangani tsunami ekonomi yang akan melanda mereka.
Kepada wakil-wakil Parlimen dan dewan undangan negeri, beliau berkata, ‘Teruskan dengan antik dan sandiwara anda jika perlu, tetapi anda akan diadili berdasarkan sejauh mana dan sebaik mana anda merumuskan hal dasar, luluskan undang-undang dan memantau langkah-langkah kerajaan untuk mengatasi masalah yang akan ditimpa oleh orang ramai.’
Kepada kerajaan federal maupun negeri, beliau memberi amaran, ‘Kekalkan bangkangan anda jika perlu; rakyat akan mengadili anda berdasarkan bagaimana anda dapat ketepikan kepentingan-kepentingan sempit dan pertelingkahan kecil demi mencapai kerjasama federal-negeri untuk melayani kepentingan rakyat.’
Ramakrishnan membuat komen ini di mesyuarat agung tahunan ke32 yang berlangsung di Pulau Pinang hari ini. MAT itu juga secara sebulat suara menyusulkan bahawa kerajaan Malaysia mesti memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Negeri (ISA) dan oleh itu memulihkan kembali keadilan dan ‘rule of law’. MAT juga menyeru semua rakyat Malaysia berganding bahu untuk menentang ISA dan undang-undang kejam yang lain.
Ramakrishnan telah dipilih semula sebagai presiden Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara, bersama Dr Francis Loh sebagai setiausaha kehormat, Dr Mustafa K Anuar sebagai penolong setiausaha kehormat dan Anil Netto sabagai bendahari kehormat.
Selain itu, jawatankuasa baru terdiri daripada:
Dr Prema Devaraj
Leena Mohan
Dr Andrew Aeria
Dr Khoo Boo Teik
Dr Subramaniam Pillay
Dr Soon Chuan Yean
Andrew Wong
Amiruddin Ahmad
Ch’ng Teng Liang
Raphael Surin
Sarajun Hoda Abd Hassan
Ong Eu Soon dilantik sebagai juruodit kehormat.
Dr Francis Loh Setiausaha Kehormat
23 November 2008
Brace for economic tsunami, shed outdated politics, urges Aliran President
Aliran president P Ramakrishnan, in a message today aimed at political parties and their politicians, said they could “play politics, by all means”; but he warned them not to think that the outdated politics of race, personality or ruthless ambition would get them anywhere when the economic tsunami hits with full force.
To the elected representatives of Parliament and state legislative assemblies, he commented, “Continue your antics and theatrics if you must, but you will be judged by how well and how honestly you can debate policy directions, pass laws and oversee government measures to save the people from massive suffering.”To the federal and state governments, he cautioned, “Persist with your antagonisms if you must; the people will judge you by whether or how effectively you can set aside partisan concerns and petty quarrels in favour of federal-state cooperation to serve the rakyat’s interests.”
Ramakrishnan made these comments at Aliran’s 32nd annual general meeting held in Penang today. The AGM also unanimously resolved to call upon the government of Malaysia to abrogate the Internal Security Act and thereby restore justice and establish the rule of law. The AGM also urged all Malaysians to rally together to oppose the ISA and other oppressive laws. Ramakrishnan was re-elected as president of the social reform group, along with Dr Francis Loh as honorary secretary, Dr Mustafa Kamal Anuar as honorary assistant secretary, and Anil Netto as honorary treasurer. The new executive committee comprises:
Dr Prema Devaraj
Leena Mohan
Dr Andrew Aeria
Dr Khoo Boo Teik
Dr Subramaniam Pillay
Dr Soon Chuan Yean
Andrew Wong
Amiruddin Ahmad
Ch’ng Teng Liang
Raphael Surin
Sarajun Hoda Abd Hassan
Ong Eu Soon was elected as honorary auditor.
Dr Francis Loh Hon Secretary
23 November 2008
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