Dr Prema,Sorajun Hoda,Dr Francis,President(P Ramakrishnan),Leena Mohan dan Tan Cheng Liang.
Sunday, 29 November 2009 15:31
Dalam ucapan utamanya di MAT ini, Presiden Aliran P Ramakrishnan merakamkan perasaan kesalnya terhadap apa yang berlaku di negeri Perak yang melibatkan kontroversi pengambil-alihan pemerintahan negeri oleh parti BN daripada tangan Pakatan Rakyat ekoran dari ‘lompatan’ beberapa ADUN. Ini adalah satu tindakan politik yang membelakangkan kehendak majoriti rakyat Perak yang memilih PR pada pilihanraya umum 2008.
Di samping itu, Ramakrishnan juga menekankan peri mustahaknya hak dan kebebasan beragama serta toleransi dan hormat terhadap kepelbagaian agama dan perbezaan kepercayaan. Hal ini diketengahkan oleh MAT ekoran daripada isu ‘kepala lembu’ di Shah Alam tidak berapa lama dahulu yang mencerminkan tindakan dan sikap buruk dan merbahaya kumpulan tertentu.
MAT juga merakamkan keprihatinannya terhadap Suruhanjaya Anti-Rasuah Malaysia (MACC) yang telah dipolitikkan hingga menyebabkan penangkapan ‘ikan bilis’ lebih daripada ikan besar.
Sdr P Ramakrishnan telah dipilih sekali lagi sebagai presiden Aliran dalam mesyuarat agung tahunan (MAT) ke-33nya yang diadakan hari ini.
Mesyuarat pertubuhan hak asasi manusia ini juga memilih Dr. Francis Loh Kok Wah sebagai setiausaha kehormat, Dr. Mustafa K. Anuar sebagai penolong setiausaha kehormat dan Anil Netto sebagai bendahari kehormat.
Turut dipilih sebagai ahli jawatankuasa eksekutif ialah Dr. Prema Devaraj, Andrew Wong, Dr. Soon Chuan Yean, Dr. Yeoh Seng Guan, Dr. Andrew Aeria, Leena Mohan, Sarajun Hoda bin Abdul Hassan, Amiruddin Ahmad, Dr Subramaniam Pillay dan Ch’ng Teng Liang .
Dr Francis Loh
Setiausaha Kehormat
29 November 2009
Uphold religious freedom and tolerance, urges Aliran President
In his keynote address to the AGM, Aliran President P Ramakrishnan expressed regret over what happened in Perak where the BN controversially took over from the Pakatan Rakyat following the ‘jumping’ of three state assembly members. This political development has effectively negated the wishes of the majority of the Perak people who voted the PR in at the 2008 general election.
Ramakrishnan also emphasised the importance of the right and freedom of religion as well as the need for all Malaysians to develop tolerance and respect for each other’s religions and difference in beliefs. This matter was brought up at the AGM in the wake of the ‘cow head’ incident in Shah Alam which was a most regretful and even dangerous move on the part of an irresponsible and racist group of people.
The AGM also expressed concern over the politicisation of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) which has resulted in its pursuit of many ‘small fries’ to the neglect of the big fish.
Ramakrishnan was re-elected president of Aliran at the 33rd annual general meeting of the human rights group today.
The AGM also elected Dr Francis Loh Kok Wah as honorary secretary, Dr Mustafa K Anuar as honorary assistant secretary and Anil Netto as honorary treasurer.
Also elected to the executive committee were Dr Prema Devaraj, Andrew Wong, Dr Soon Chuan Yean, Dr Yeoh Seng Guan, Dr Andrew Aeria, Leena Mohan, Sarajun Hoda Abdul Hassan, Amiruddin Ahmad, Dr Subramaniam Pillay and Ch’ng Teng Liang .
Dr Francis Loh
Hon Secretary
29 November 2009
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