By R. Shan

(Human Being)Of course he is not. He is doing a grand service being elsewhere. Yet I wonder at the effectiveness of it for the general public. This is his reality and the public’s perception. Nonetheless, being a commentor it is only our escapism for the moment to voice our approval or dissent while ensuring everything in our lives is status quo.

P. Waytha Moorthy, the HINDRAF chairman who was initially applauded, praised and forewarned not to return prior to March 8, 2008 and up to the Kg Buah Pala issue is now cursed, accused and branded for seeking what is the truth in the Kg Buah Pala issue and his approach for acting without fear or favor. Again, being a commentor, it is only our escapism for the moment to voice our dissent while ensuring everything in our lives remains unchanged.Very identical situations faced by these two individuals in sacrificing their way of lives for the benefit of the society. Yet, one is praised while the other ostracized.

Such irony is only for the Malaysian folks as Kita Cepat Lupa for own alliance is well measured for our own needs against the hope we wish to create.Hope is what these crusaders embark on to keep trying when there seems to be no hope. The hope in us individually is the trumpet of conscience in order to revive the truth for society and humanity.Sure, RPK is all about good governance and revealing all the juicy tales to invoke mind boggling revelations that started since the Reformasi days of 1999, and two elections passed with the largest mandate handed over to BN in 2004.

HINDRAF is a novice compared to RPK in the blogosphere, coming alive only months before November 25, 2007 and created the climate change in the General Election of 2008. Now, don’t jump the gun and make an assumption that HINDRAF is more effective than RPK or all the big guns in the opposition. Personal assumption against public goodwill has always been the downfall of the opposition or shall I say why BN has been able to triumph for 52 years.While we the public continue to debate and digest the input, we fail to understand that the one that is praised and the one that is ostracised sing the same song though in a different key.

They are enforcing different methods to get us out of our own comfort zone in our inaction due to our self centred individual notions whether in anticipation or hoping something good will happen. Nothing is going to happen unless and until we understand the concept of what makes a society rather than the individualism that prevail in us.If only we, the public, will support any cause as long as it is a humanitarian cause without regard to race, religion, color or creed, nor the assumption that what you see is the only truth. Only then will you be able to see no distinction between RPK and P. Waythamoorthy in their their exiles to enhance a proactive and effective action by Malaysians to fulfill the society’s need.See beyond the box - be constructive, be critical, be just and fair.

That is all that is expected if truth is what you seek to enhance a humanitarian cause for Malaysians.Let’s stop the witch hunt that satisfies your own ego and your half formed knowledge and rather, pursue the goodwill of society and humanity minus your assumptions.My dear Malaysians.

It is not an individual battle but a collective battle for the society against a system, a mechanism that has created androids in us against humanitarian values. Get over it and be real and know that the idealism in RPK and HINDRAF is possible when we can collectively act for the well-being of a Malaysian society.

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