
I have not make any official statement since the the release of the court case results on 30/9/2024. Tapi hari ini saya ingin luahkan hati untuk berkongsi sedikit sebanyak pengalaman saya melalui kes ini.

Alhamdulilah, after all the hardship and torment me and my family (especially my mom) went through akhirnya justice is prevailed. I manage to won the lawsuit against my ex father in law Engku Ahmad Fadzil Bin Engku Ali and his son (my ex husband) Engku Muhammad Fakhruddin Bin Engku Ahmad Fadzil.

Saya masih ingat lagi masa hari pertama saya terima LOD dan saman ini dari pihak mereka. That time i was going through a lot and lepas terima saman dari pihak mereka that was the breaking point for me. 

Just imagine this, ex suami saya failkan cerai just 8 hari lepas saya miscarriage (keguguran) kandungan kedua saya. Wanita mana yang tak tertekan kalau berada di tempat saya ? Bila saya luahkan kesemuanya di FB baru Engku tertekan? Are you more afraid that the public will find out the truth rather than what you and your son have done to me? The same day saya keguguran, ex suami dah tak duduk serumah dengan saya. Saya yang kena uruskan semuanya back and forth to the hospital dan sebagainya. I was bleeding for non stop for almost 4 months. Just imagine that. 

And on top of that I have to deal with this law suit filled by Engku, kes cerai saya, my health issues dan sebagainya. Until somewhere around December 2022 I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and MDD (Major Depression Disorder) which later onwards I receive treatment in Hospital Kajang.

This entire court case was not an easy journey for me and my family, hanya Allah je tau. I was given 14 days to mark my appearance in court when I first received the summon from Engku Fadzil. Time tu saya tak ada lawyer pun, I have approached many lawyers but not even one whom is willing to take my case, reason being is because it’s related to a high profile Islamic preacher with many followers. Due to this me and my mom was overshadowed by them. 

Through hard days and sleepless nights I tried my very best to ask around for people’s opinion but everything was in vain. I only manage to get a lawyer who is willing to take my case on the very last minute, on the last day given by court for me to appeal. Alhamdulilah. 

Bertapa susahnya kami nak harungi hari demi hari untuk lawan kes ini. We were mostly by our side but we had Allah beside us, no matter how hard it was Allah was always there beside us and that leads us to winning this case at the end. 

Sewaktu bicara pula, Alhamdulilah I tried my best to remain calm and compose. Biarpun pelbagai jenis tuduhan dilemparkan terhadap saya namun saya tidak pernah sesekali pun membalas apa2 terhadap mereka kerana saya percaya Allah itu ada dan Allah tau apa yang ada di hati kita. 

Biarpun mereka menafikan segala2 nya di mahkamah, Allah knows everything and he sees everything. Lari la dari kebenaran sejauh mana sekali pun satu hari akan terungkai jua. Bak kata pepatah “setinggi2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua” begitulah juga dengan mereka.

Akhir kata, saya ingin berterima kasih kepada semua rakan2, keluarga, kenalan saya yang sentiasa memberi dorongan kepada saya dan sentiasa mendoakan saya dan keluarga. Thank you for all your support. This victory is not only for me, but I did it for my unborn twins which they persuade and manipulated me into aborting them.

My advice to some people who uses the name of Islam to cover his sins, Don’t act like the hypocrite who thinks he can conceal his wiles while loudly quoting the Koran.