Kepada rakan-rakan media:
November 30, 2019


Yang Berhormat Presiden parti tidak perlu minta maaf kerana keputusan yang dibuat oleh lembaga disiplin adalah atas sokongan lebih 2/3 ahli MPP. 

Semenjak kebelakangan ini Timbalan Presiden Datuk Seri Mohd Azmin Ali kelihatan sudah hilang adab dan cuba mengeruhkan keadaan kerana terdesak.

Kalau sebelum ini merajuk tak dapat merasmikan Kongres AMK, kali ini hendak mendesak Presiden untuk meminta maaf hanya kerana tidak bersetuju dengan keputusan parti. 

Jika Azmin sering beri alasan tidak hadir mesyuarat kerana tugas menteri, apa pula alasan lagi 19 orang ahli MPP bersamanya? Tapi bila nak berjumpa pihak pembangkang senang saja dipelawa ke kediaman rasmi. 

Nasihat saya kalau dah hilang arah sila buat keputusan yang betul tapi jangan terus menyesatkan ahli parti dengan bersikap munafik.

Saya juga minta Azmin untuk insaf sebelum kongres nasional dan lebih berhemah sebagai penjawat awam.

Pagi ini, seramai 19 daripada 64 ahli Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (MPP) PKR termasuk timbalan presidennya Mohamed Azmin Ali menolak pemecatan bekas ketua cabang Bera, Zakaria Abdul Hamid.

Dalam kenyataan bersama yang dikeluarkan, mereka berkata pemecatan itu "tidak sah" kerana tidak melalui proses sewajarnya.

Farhash Wafa Salvador Bin Rizal Mubarak
Setiausaha Politik kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim


THERE is no need for PKR president, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to apologise over a decision made by the disciplinary committee as it had more than two thirds support from committee members.

Lately, party deputy president, Datuk Seri Mohd Azmin Ali seems to have lost all direction and trying to complicate matters out of sheer desperation.

Earlier, he was sulking after he was not allowed to officiate the party's Youth National Congress and now wants to pressure Anwar into apologising just because he (Azmin) was not in agreement with the party's decision.

If Azmin had constantly given excuses for not attending party meetings due to alleged ministerial work, then what about the 19 MPP members with him?

How come it was so easy for him to find the time to meet opposition members at his official residence?

My advice is if you have lost direction, please do not continue to try and disillusion our members.

I also urge Azmin to repent before the national congress and be more responsible as a holder of public office.

This morning, Azmin led 20 of the party’s central committee to object to the sacking of Bera division chief Zakaria Abdul Hamid who is seen to be from their faction.

The group that also included vice presidents Zuraida Kamaruddin and Chua Tian Chang or Tian Chua went on to press Anwar to apologise over the matter, saying the decision was not formally endorsed by two thirds of the committee.

They said they consequently did not recognise the decision to expel Zakaria.

Farhash Wafa Salvador Bin Rizal Mubarak
Political Secretary to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

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