Pas ingat Agong titah main ikut suka ke? Soal peguam. Mana la lebai nak tahu menahu antara benar dan jelas..sebab walaun dipebodohkan..


Pas ingat Agong titah main ikut suka ke? Soal peguam

Pas ingat Agong titah main ikut suka ke? Soal peguam

Rajin PAS buat poster pasal peranan dan tugas-tugas YDPA.

Mungkin PAS ingat YDPA bertitah ikut suka dia kot tanpa nasihat dari sesiapa.

Kalaulah faham Perlembagaan Persekutuan semudah buat poster macam ni, buang masa kot dulu aku belajar subjek “Constitutional Law” selama 2 semester di universiti.

Buang masa kot orang buat Phd pasal Perlembagaan dan tulis buku komentari pasal Perlembagaan.

Sebaiknya sebelum buat poster ni, adalah lebih baik PAS teliti dulu peranan dan tanggungjawab Executive body (baca: PN) dalam kerangka Perlembagaan. Saya cadangkan PAS amati terlebih dahulu pandangan Almarhum Sultan Azlan Shah yang merupakan bekas Ketua Hakim Negara:-

“The executive itself cannot just act as it pleases, for its own powers are also subject to precise restrictions. Even where limits do not appear to be sufficiently clear, there are rules of unwritten law which dictate the courses of action that may be followed. These rules are called constitutional conventions. They serve to ensure that actions undertaken are not just lawful according to the letter of the supreme law, but are also practical, viable and have the support of society in general. ”

(Rujuk: Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance, HRH Sultan Azlan Shah)



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