On Lim apologises, DAP reps to attend ceremony

Michael Sun: If Kit Siang can recall, that the national papers featured Fong Po Kuan on their front pages when she said she did not want to stand for elections and when she stood again, the news was buried in the tons of BN propaganda. So will your ‘apology’ and the chances are that the His Royal Highnesses would not even know that you have apologised.

Being a long time opposition leader, you should use your brain rather than your heart. Now the BN-controlled media will just send you to the cleaners. You are still behaving like an oppositionist rather than a statesman. In Perak, Selangor and Penang, you are NOT the opposition. Please behave like a statesman. Sometimes we need to move one step backwards to go two steps forward.

I hope Kit Siang learn from this. You asked the voters to ‘Just Change It’, maybe it is appropriate for you to change your 1970s style of politicking which does not jell well with the X and Y generations. May God continue to bless and protect you and give you wisdom. "

Allan Tham: Mr Lim Kiat Siang has done the right thing. DAP should be more patient and place trust on PAS as the political landscape is very much different compared to that in 1999.All opposition parties should work on a common ground to establish a capable opposition force in time to come.

Jo-han: Good on you YB, we were all worried there for awhile. Let's not give anymore fodder for the rogue mainstream papers.Your reversal and apology shows great leadership and humility, qualities we would never expect from any of the top BN leaders (until maybe a disastrous event like say losing 80 seats in a national election).

Thank you for looking at the bigger picture. It really does not matter which party holds the Perak’s MB post. What's important is you work together as a team. Let's not squabble over details and technicalities when there is so much more to do, and so much to look forward to.

Frankie Ch'ng: I think it is so unbecoming of LKS for showing much disrespect to the Sultan of Perak. I am so disappointed, even though LKS did apologise. I think DAP should be free from LKS and it is time LKS loosen his grip on DAP. Politics today has changed, the voters today are not stupid. Should LKS keep on harping on this matter, we the voters will bring the Rocket down, this I promise you.

Hami: Mr Lim Kit Siang, you and DAP surely blundered for your disrespect and greed. This showed how faithful you are and that the DAP in the BA coalition is opportunistic. Your party’s attitude not to work with PAS is just arrogance. It is time for you and DAP to review this course, before there is any change in attitude among those who supported you.

On Samy-Subra alliance: Trouble brewing?

Jayanthi M: The era of the likes of Samy Vellu may be over but one hopes their legacies don't live on in the heart of Malaysians. Over the decades, people have placed blind faith in politicians simply because they were of the same race or, even more dangerously, because these politicians were people in and of power. Many who now vilify Samy actually helped keep him in power for decades and allowed him to wreck havoc..

The dawning of the new era must alert people to the fact that their own mentality and attitudes need changing. The masses, the voting public, the citizens are the main stakeholders in this new power balance. We need to sanction politician's actions based on evidence-backed policy and decisions. A position of power does not equal acts of integrity. Blind faith is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Santhi: AS MIC president, Samy Vellu was expected to speak up for the community. This is the minimum any party leader should do. One has to acknowledge that very serious issues exist in the Indian community and unless the leadership accepts these issues as real and works to solve them, the people’s confidence in MIC will erode further.

Concerned Citizen: I don't know how relevant the MIC is anymore. One thing I do know is that Samy and Subra are surely not the light at the end of the tunnel. We Indians have stood at a distance and watched for some years now and finally the people have spoken. So to Samy and Subra, please listen as the message is loud and clear.

Wai Kah Lam: Wake up, Indians! If the MIC is no good for you people, then fight for those rights that you deserve through a another party. The MIC is similar to Umno and MCA. They are decaying and will continue to rot. We must save our nation and country with new leader that brings in new strategies.

Even if you join MIC after Samy steps away, it won't make any difference as it will still be part of BN and will only become another corrupted ‘yes man’ party. So what good will it do to join MIC again?

On Penang CM slams PM, denies stoking racial tension

Ravindran Mailvaganam: The PM has maliciously accused newly appointed CM of Penang, Lim Guan Eng of making incendiary statements which could trigger off racial riots. Nothing can be further from the truth. If Pak Lah or his handlers could have read the many letters published in Malaysiakini complaining of the flagrant discrimination (some readers have termed it apartheid ) and of the colossal waste of public funds through corruption and cronyism which have occurred under the NEP, they might understand something of the frustration and anger minorities feel.

I suspect that Pak Lah is worried that Guan Eng, without unctuously preaching any kind civilisational religion will helm a clean, lean, efficient and transparent administration something which the BN has not able to do in the past 50 years, and thereby show up the hypocrisy which BN leaders are notorious for.

Adam Ali: I'm an apolitical Malay; I have Ah Chong and Ramasamy (not their real names) as my good neighbours; Being an anak Malaysia, I now feel obliged to give my views. Pak Lah is the one who incited racial sentiments in this case, just like in the many other cases where he and his extremist gang (Hishamuddin, Khairy, Nazri, etc) twisted and turned facts to create tense situation.

Ghifari Al Mukhtar: Lim Guan Eng, get out of your dreams and face the true pragmatism. For everyone and every society there are limits and we must all be willing to work within the limits. You are a newcomer without the knowledge of your environment. Malaysia will never be like Singapore for any of us. I voted for the opposition understanding the need for change and that’s where it stops. Every society, every nation, every country has its own unique situation and historical settings - something the DAP seems to want to counter with an attitude that borders on anarchy.

It isn't that we are slaves serving an ungracious elite. Perhaps you are willing to sacrifice DAP’s PKR’s and PAS’ gains in the recent election but rest assured you will never destroy this country's benevolent foundations. What we have voted and campaigned for are the same and Joe Public is well aware of this and that there was never a hidden agenda. Respect our sovereignty and get on with the BA's national agenda.

Joe Fernandez: Umno and the BN were not willing to consider even one Indian in the past for an exco post in the Penang government. Today, after March 8, there’s an Indian holding a deputy chief minister’s post. Symbolic maybe, but it is the thought that counts. So, it can be expected that when the opposition forms the federal government after the next general election, come 2012 or 2013, there will be an Indian deputy prime minister and four other deputy prime ministers from the Chinese, Malay, Dayak and KadazanDusunMurut communities.

This DPM pledge itself will swing the Sabah and Sarawak votes to the opposition the next round. Umno and BN will never make such a pledge.

MV: Pak Lah, you have asked Guan Eng which community has been made poorer because of the NEP? The NEP is no longer playing its role to assist the poor and distribute the wealth equally anymore. Before you criticise the removal of NEP and slam Guan Eng with your statement, you should think about what you have done for other minority groups in the past.

We are no longer uneducated. Penang voters have voiced up. Penang people should give full support to their new state government who has dared to make a change for a better tomorrow.

Guan Eng, you have showed a great example as an anak Malaysia. This is the time for reinventing.

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