Blame Placed on Work at Bungalow

Sunday, December 09, 2008

(Source: New Straits Times)By Ridzwan Abdullah; Adrian David; R. Sittamparam; Azura Abas; Lee

KUALA LUMPUR: Construction work of a three-storey bungalow on the hilltop could be the cause of yesterday's landslide.

The Bukit Antarabangsa Residents' Association deputy chairman Raymond Jegathesan said all signs pointed towards the luxury bungalow project on the southern tip of the hillside.

The project has been under construction for the past year and Jagathesan believed that piling works, coupled with weak soil conditions and heavy rainfall, had contributed to the landslide.
He also questioned why the geological firm appointed by the previous state government to monitor geological conditions in Bukit Antarabangsa had failed to detect a possible landslide.
"Surely the possibility of such a major earth movement could not have escaped their notice."

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