Lewat petang, saya sempat mengadakan pertemuan empat mata dengan Perdana Menteri Singapura, Lawrence Wong usai berakhir perjalanan hari pertama Sidang Kemuncak ASEAN Ke-44 dan Ke-45 di Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Selama hampir 40 minit, saya dan PM Lawrence  berbincang beberapa perkara terkait kepentingan kedua-dua negara, terutama meneroka kaedah terbaik bagi menyelesaikan isu berbangkit secara berkesan dan sepantas mungkin.

Saya dan PM Lawrence kemudian langsung mengetuai mesyuarat dua hala bersama menteri-menteri dan delegasi kedua-dua negara.

Alhamdulillah, pertemuan ini mencapai beberapa kesepakatan dan kemajuan terkait beberapa isu tertunggak, yang insya-Allah akan dibincangkan dengan lebih lanjut dalam sesi permukiman tahunan Malaysia-Singapura hujung tahun ini.


I had a productive four-eye meeting with the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lawrence Wong, following the conclusion of the first day of the 44th and 45th ASEAN Summits in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

During our 40-minute discussion, Prime Minister Wong and I engaged in a constructive dialogue on issues of mutual interest, focusing on identifying the most effective approaches to promptly address outstanding matters between our two nations.

Following that, Prime Minister Wong and I co-chaired a bilateral meeting with ministers and delegates from both countries. I am pleased to share that we reached several agreements and made significant progress on key issues, which will be further deliberated during the annual Malaysia-Singapore Leaders’ Retreat later this year, Insya-Allah.
