The Mi-172 helicopter has been continually developed and improved overthe past years and is currently under-going commercial certification with theRussian Civil Aviation Authority. In parallel to the Russian certification effort thehelicopter is currently being evaluated to show compliance with the latestversion of FAA regulation FAR-29 and with the new avionics will meet therequirements for helicopter IFR certification.

The derivative Mi-17KF is equippedwith Honeywell EDZ-756 Electronic Flight instrument System, Primus IIIntegrated Radio System, VG14/DG14 Attitude&Heading Reference System,P700 Color Radar and DFZ-706 Flight Director Systems as standard, installed inaccordance with the requirements of FAR-29. The cabin is 23 cubic meters involume (813 cu.ft.), and with large rear clam-shell and sliding side doors thehelicopter is ideally suited for various loads including internal vehicletransportation and extra-lenght cargo with open rear ramp.For the order of production submitted on the given page take advantage of the essential elements of the company submitted in section " the Contact information " in the beginning of page.For electronic communication take advantage of a key " To send inquiry in the company " which is located in the beginning of page.

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