Harakahdaily |
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Mei: Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar Universiti Malaya (HEP UM) telah mengeluarkan satu surat tindakan tatatertib ke atas beberapa mahasiswa UM hari ini. Sumber menyatakan pihak HEP telah ‘mengeluarkan senarai’ dan memberi amaran tatatertib kepada hampir 100 mahasiswa UM. Pejabat HEP UM akan menelefon setiap mahasiswa yang namanya telah disenaraikan dan surat amaran itu akan diberi setelah berjumpa dengan pihak HEP UM. Setakat kini, hampir 15 mahasiswa UM telah dihubungi dan diberi surat amaran. Namun, beberapa sumber individu menyatakan sebahagian daripada nama yang disenaraikan HEP itu kebanyakannya daripada ahli Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam UM (PMIUM). Antara yang termasuk dalam senarai diberi amaran tindakan tatatertib Presiden Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se-Malaysia (Gamis), Ahmad Syazwan, Setiausaha Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), Izzuddin Hilmi, dua suspek kes ‘Rosmah Puaka UM’ iaitu Aizat Roslan dan Syahrul Deen serta jurucakap SPKUM, Asri Zulkifli. Difahamkan amaran itu dikeluarkan atas dua sebab iaitu pernah mengadakan beberapa siri himpunan haram di kampus UM sepanjang penglibatan sebagai mahasiswa UM dan disabitkan kesalahan atas cubaan mengancam keselamatan UM. Kesemua mereka kemungkinan akan dicaj dalam Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU). Selain mahasiswa Tahun Dua dan Tiga UM, turut mendapat amaran itu adalah beberapa mahasiswa Tahun Satu UM yang kebanyakannya daripada Akademi Pengajian Islam UM (APIUM). Sehingga kini, diberitakan pelajar siswi masih tidak menerima sebarang panggilan atau surat amaran tersebut. |
100 mahasiswa UM diberi amaran tatatertib
Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House
Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House
By Ian Drury, David Williams and Sam Greenhill
- Obama watched assault on compound housing Bin Laden in real time
- Compound was yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst' military academy
- DNA tests 99.9 per cent certain man killed WAS Bin Laden
- U.S. embassies on alert over Al Qaeda reprisal attacks
- Obama and George W. Bush both declare: 'Justice has been done'
President Obama was watching on a TV screen as a commando gunned down Osama bin Laden. Via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a U.S. Navy Seal, the leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.
The Seal then carried out what is known in the military as a ‘double tap’ – shooting him again, probably in the chest, to make certain he was dead.
The footage of the battle in Bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout – which played out like an episode of 24 – is said to show one of his wives acting as a human shield to protect him as he blasted away with an AK47 assault rifle.
She died, along with three other men, including one of Bin Laden’s sons. Within hours, the Al Qaeda leader’s body was buried at sea.
Intense: President Obama watches the mission unfold at the White House along with (left) Vice President Joe Biden, (right) Defence Secretary Robert Gates, and (second right) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, alongside other Security staff, including (back left) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mike Mullen, (back without a tie) National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, and (back right, white shirt) Counter-Terrorism chief John Brennan
Taking command: President Obama talks to members of the national security team in the White House situation room following the conclusion of the mission
Dead: Osama Bin Laden was killed in a U.S. special forces operation on his Pakistani compound
Despite President Obama claiming the master terrorist’s death made the world a ‘safer, better place’, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency declared that terrorists would ‘almost certainly’ respond.
The warning came on a day when:
■ Relations between Pakistan and the West were under intense strain amid disbelief that intelligence chiefs in Islamabad had no idea Bin Laden was living in a compound only 800 yards from the country’s leading military academy.
■ U.S. officials sought to justify the torture of detainees at Guantanamo Bay by claiming it provided the crucial breakthrough in hunting down Bin Laden.
■ It emerged that a terror operative captured in Pakistan in 2004 said Al Qaeda would detonate a nuclear bomb in the U.S. if Bin Laden were killed or captured.
David Cameron said Bin Laden’s death would be ‘welcomed right across our country’.
But security was stepped up as he warned: ‘It does not mark the end of the threat we face from extremist terrorism. Indeed, we will have to be particularly vigilant in the weeks ahead.’
Last night the Prime Minister chaired a meeting of the Government’s emergency planning committee Cobra to assess the implications for the UK. Security sources have been told of specific threats against targets in North Africa and Europe.
Officials in Britain fear a ‘lone wolf’ – currently off the security services’ radar – could be inspired to take revenge.
There is no specific intelligence pointing to any attack in response to Bin Laden’s death, but it is ‘common sense’ to be on guard, Whitehall officials say.
Possible targets include popular tourist and business locations including the Houses of Parliament, Canary Wharf and the London Eye, say security experts.
President Obama announced Bin Laden’s death in a televised statement shortly after 4am British time yesterday
He recalled the images from the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 which were ‘seared into our national memory’.
Nearly 3,000 people were killed – including 67 Britons – when four jets hijacked by Al Qaeda extremists crashed in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. The attack left ‘a gaping hole in our hearts’, said the President.
Last night pictures were released of Mr Obama and his security team – including Hillary Clinton – watching the mission to kill Bin Laden in the White House’s Situation Room – relayed to the White House by satellite – which played out like an episode of TV show 24 featuring fictional counter-terrorism agent Jack Bauer.
- Bin Laden: Is this the coup that rescued Obama's presidency?
- DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The world's not safer, but it's a better place
- Washed and cast into the water: How Bin Laden's burial at sea denies his fanatical followers a shrine
- MAX HASTINGS: Summary justice, yes. But the fanatics believe we are weak - and we have to show we are tougher than they think
- Obama's standing ovation, a minute's silence at the ball park and a poignant pink rose at Ground Zero... how America celebrated Bin Laden's death
- Hate preacher warns of another 7/7 attack as Cameron says UK needs to be 'particularly vigilant in weeks ahead'
- Obama blocked plot to bomb Bin Laden's lair FOUR months ago - because he wanted to have DNA proof he was dead
- Will cutting off the snake's head kill Al Qaeda when Bin Laden was little more than an isolated figurehead?
- CHRISTOPHER MEYER: I sympathise with this jubilation but beware the backlash
- DAVID JONES: Hate-filled architect of slaughter who dyed his beard and had 24 children by five wives
- It was as if they had won the Super Bowl: Carnival scenes as the U.S. gives a collective whoop of joy
Describing the scene, President Obama’s counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan said: ‘It was probably one of the most anxiety-filled periods in the lives of the people who were assembled.
‘The minutes passed like days and the President was very concerned about the security of our personnel.’
Pit of evil: A king size bed where Bin Laden may have once slept at the secretive compound in Abbottabad. Blood from a gun battle can be seen at the foot of the mattress
Gun fight: A pool of blood on the floor suggests that one Al Qaeda member was shot close to their bed, while right, a selection of medication which was left in the bathroom
Carnage: Blood can be seen on the floor from where Bin Laden was reportedly surrounded by three men, including his son, and a woman who formed a human shield against U.S. troops
The President’s announcement sparked jubilant celebrations, with crowds gathering outside the White House and at Ground Zero where the Twin Towers had stood in New York.
Former President George W Bush, who was in the White House when the attacks took place, described the news as a ‘momentous achievement’.
‘America has sent an unmistakable message: no matter how long it takes, justice will be done,’ he said.
But the euphoria was tempered by warnings that Bin Laden’s supporters would carry out a wave of reprisal attacks against Western targets, including the UK.
Bin Laden's lair: The compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, was half a mile from a military academy. If it had been hit in an air strike there were likely to have been civilian casualties
Defiant messages: President Obama said the world is a 'safer place', Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vowed to 'take the fight' to Al Qaeda and Counter Terrorism Chief John Brennan said it was a 'defining moment'
CIA director Leon Panetta said: ‘Though Bin Laden is dead, Al Qaeda is not. The terrorists almost certainly will attempt to avenge him, and we must – and will – remain vigilant and resolute.’
Foreign Secretary William Hague said: ‘This is a very serious blow to Al Qaeda but, like any organisation that has suffered a serious blow, they will want to show in some way that they are still able to operate.
‘We will still have to be even more vigilant in the coming days about the international terrorist threat.’
Success: Pakistani Army soldiers secure the compound in Abbottabad where Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. military forces
Downed: The wreckage of the U.S. military helicopter which crashed inside the high walls of Bin Laden's compound. U.S. troops destroyed the aircraft before leaving the area
A Pakistani Army soldier inspects the wreckage of the U.S. helicopter that crashed after coming under fire. There were no casualties among the U.S. Navy Seals who mounted the attack on Bin Laden's compound
On the lookout: Pakistani soldiers inside a cordoned off area around the Bin Laden compound after the Al Qaeda leader was killed by U.S. forces
Parts of the downed helicopter are removed from the Bin Laden compound after the attack by U.S. Navy Seals
Some 50 people living in Britain are believed to have attended terror training camps in Afghanistan. One suggestion is that Al Qaeda supporters who are not known to the security services could be emboldened to strike.
Another possibility is that terror cells already plotting attacks in the UK could bring forward their plans.
It also emerged last night that the timing of the U.S. mission may have been triggered by Wikileaks.
Although the CIA has thought since September that Bin Laden was in Abbottabad, the attack on his fortress came only days after the website published fresh secret documents.
Deserted: Nestled among trees and in the shadow of Pakistan's mountains, Bin Laden's hideaway stands empty after a helicopter raid by U.S. troops that killed the terror chief. He lived there with members of his family and trusted aides
Near miss: Wreckage from the crashed U.S. helicopter hangs over a wall in the Abbottabad compound. It stalled after coming under fire from rocket-propelled grenades. Right, the remains of the helicopter are driven away on a tractor
Guarded: Pakistani soldiers today patrol the compound where Bin Laden lived and was killed, and right, police stop people as they secure the scene
Stronghold: The lay-out of Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad. It was surrounded by walls up to 18 feet high
These made reference to named ‘couriers’ carrying Bin Laden’s message to his followers, and also to Abbottabad as a possible Al Qaeda bolthole.
America has already revealed that it was led to Bin Laden by tracking a man identified as his key courier. When that courier was found in Abbottabad, the CIA began surveillance that led to the raid.
Last night it was said the operation had to be launched before Bin Laden knew the game was up. The theory is based on a leaked U.S. Defence Department assessment of Guantanamo Bay prisoner Abu Faraj al-Libi, 40.
This information identifies al-Libi as a chief of Al Qaeda who fled to Pakistan in 2001. He lived in Abbottabad for a year before being caught in 2005. He was then handed to the U.S., who continue to detain him.
Hideout: The Bin Laden compound was found only a few hundred yards from the military academy known as Pakistan's Sandhurst in the garrison town of Abbottabad, Pakistan
Abbottabad: The remote town in northern Pakistan, named after James Abbott, the British major who founded the town in 1853, sits beneath towering hills
We've got him, said the President
This was the dramatic moment that President Obama and Hillary Clinton watched Osama Bin Laden being shot dead.
Photos released by the White House late last night show Mr Obama and his Secretary of State in similar poses, their hands clamped over their mouths.
Together with the President’s national security team they are watching a crew of Navy Seals storm the terror chief’s hideout in Pakistan.
His fist to his mouth, Mr Obama stares intently at the screen showing Bin Laden die, left, while Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, right, holds her hand to her mouth
While the men in the room, arms folded, remain largely expressionless as they stare at the live feed streamed from the helmet camera of a U.S. commando, it is the expression on Mrs Clinton’s face that clearly shows the tension that they all felt.
She was unable to hide the emotion of the moment for which they had waited more than a decade.
Mr Obama, with his eyes intently focused on the scene unfolding and with his fist clenched to his mouth, was said to be ‘stony faced’ through the transmission, even at the point when a voice came over the speakers stating: ‘We’ve ID’d Geronimo’ – a code name for Bin Laden.
After the terrorist was shot, Mr Obama was said to have turned to the room and said: ‘We got him.’
Guests at a White house dinner last night rose to their feet as Barack Obama arrived with First Lady Michelle Obama, while the Speaker of the House John Boehner congratulates the President
Barack Obama is given a standing ovation at a political dinner in the White House last night following the killing of Osama bin Laden
A giant flag is unveiled at Fenway Park as the national anthem is played before the game between the Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Angels
Players from the Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Angels watch as a giant American flag is unfurled before last night's game in Boston
With the, mission accomplished, those present were able to breathe a sigh of relief.
With Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton as the tense operation unfolded were Vice President Joe Biden, National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, Defence Secretary Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and White House Chief-of-Staff Bill Daly.
CIA Director Leon Panetta wasn’t in the photo but was at the White House at several points during the day.
The President was also seen on the phone talking to the heads of Allied countries, including British Prime Minister David Cameron.
Americans celebrate the death of Osama bin Laden in Times Square in New York, after the Al Qaeda leader was killed in Pakistan
We're 99.9% sure it's him
American officials said last night they were ‘99.9 per cent confident’ that DNA evidence proved Osama Bin Laden is dead.
Scientists compared forensic samples from the body in the Pakistan hideout with those taken from the brain of the terror mastermind’s late sister.
Photos of the corpse have also been passed to experts in facial recognition, who are comparing them to previous indisputable images of the Al Qaeda leader.
America has carried out such tests before on tissue samples from unrecognisable victims of drone bombing attacks on remote Afghan and Pakistani terror nests, who it was thought might have been Bin Laden.
The apparent speed of the Bin Laden tests raised yet more questions about the U.S. operation last night. Merely transporting samples to laboratories where DNA profiling can be carried out usually takes time, as does the process itself.
However, new technology means that the process can be speeded up and it is entirely possible that the Americans kept a Bin Laden family DNA profile at one of their bases in Afghanistan. Indeed, one report yesterday was that the DNA test had already been conducted on the fresh corpse.
Pentagon officials said that photos of the body and a videotape of the sea burial may be released soon to answer doubts that Bin Laden was actually killed.
In the huge manhunt for the terror leader, the CIA will have eagerly seized anything Bin Laden is believed to have touched, and searched anywhere he is believed to have stayed. Dentists and doctors will have been questioned in the hope they have retained a tooth or other organic matter.
But previous information from the years following 2001 has suggested that America has been anxiously seeking genetic samples from Bin Laden’s numerous siblings and other relatives – an indication that the CIA did not have any such samples from the Al Qaeda chief himself.
Family affair: Osama Bin Laden (second from right) was identified with the help of DNA taken from the brain of an unidentified sister, who died from cancer
And according to a report on America’s ABC news yesterday, a key sample had come courtesy of the death of one of his sisters in a Boston hospital several years ago, from brain cancer.
Immediately after her death, it was claimed, the FBI obtained a court order to seize her body. Her brain was then preserved, and tissue and blood samples from it helped form the DNA database that was used to match that of Bin Laden.
Such samples from siblings alone could not, however, prove 100 per cent that the new corpse is that of Bin Laden himself. Close similarity of the new corpse’s DNA profile with those taken from siblings could only show that a member of the Bin Laden family had been killed.
Further circumstantial evidence – including photos, perhaps his height (up to 6ft 6in), and location in a hideout at the centre of the Al Qaeda terror network – might then be added to provide all the proof the Americans feel necessary.
A U.S. intelligence official said last night that as well as being identified by U.S. troops on the ground, a woman believed to be one of his wives had confirmed Bin Laden was the dead man.
Isu Negara Kristian - KDN Hanya Tegur Utusan
SHAH ALAM 12 MEI :Kementerian Dalam Negeri hanya memberikan surat teguran kepada Utusan Malaysia kerana menyiarkan laporan kononnya wujud agenda untuk Malaysia dijadikan negara Kristian.
Surat teguran KDN lazimnya bermakna tidak ada sebarang tindakan lain akan diambil terhadap Utusan meskipun laporan itu disifatkan sebagai fitnah yang boleh menggugat perpaduan kaum dan keselamatan negara.
Menteri Dalam Negeri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein sebelum ini menjanjikan tindakan tegas terhadap pihak yang membakar api perkauman dengan memainkan isu-isu sensitif.
Utusan menyandarkan laporan muka depannya bertajuk Kristian Agama Rasmi? Pada 7 Mei hanya berpandukan kepada catatan dua blogger yang tidak mempunyai sebarang pengesahan.
Menurut kenyataan KDN, Ketua Pengarang Utusan dipanggil ke ibu pejabat KDN dan diberikan surat teguran itu.
Pada tahun 2010, KDN bertindak membatalkan permit akhbar Parti Keadilan Rakyat bersabit laporan bahawa Felda kemungkinan akan bankrap jika badan itu tidak mengekang pemborosan dan penyelewengannya yang menyebabkan rizabnya susut 60 peratus.
Ramai pihak yang membuat perbandingan menyatakan laporan Utusan kononnya Malaysia mungkin menjadi negara Kristian jauh lebih ‘merbahaya’ daripada apa yang disiarkan oleh Suara Keadilan.
Laporan Utusan Malaysia kononnya mendakwa phak gereja dan DAP bersekongkol menjadi Kristian agama rasmi Malaysia. Agenda itu kononnya di tetapkan pada satu mesyuarat di Pulau Pinang.
Dua blogger yang menjadi sandaran Utusan untuk laporan itu adalah antara puluhan blogger dalam alam siber yang saban hari mengitar fitnah dan rekayasa
Tindakan Utusan menyiarkan berita sedemikian tanpa menyiasat sendiri kesahihannya atau pun mendapatkan penjelasan serta merta daripada pihak Gereja jelas tidak bertanggungjawab dan melanggar prinsip-prinsip asas kewartawanan.
Beberapa pihak termasuk Presiden Kesatuan Wartawan Kebangsaan Hatta Wahari berkata laporan fitnah Utusan itu cukup untuk menahan pengarang akhbar berkenaan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri.
Terbukti Umno Memang Sanggup Buat Apa Sahaja- Nik Nazmi
KUALA SELANGOR 12 MEI : Pengarah Komunikasi PKR, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad menyifatkan Umno-Barisan Nasional sememangnya berada dalam keadaan panik dan terdesak untuk merampas kembali Selangor sehingga sanggup bergolak-gadai dan pada masa sama menggunakan apa juga helah keji untuk menggulingkan tunjang utama Pakatan, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Menyedari serangan berbaur fitnah yang ditabur semakin hilang "sengat" di kalangan rakyat, Umno-BN dilihat menggunakan cara yang lebih "selamat" seperti yang digunakan di Sabah dan Sarawak untuk kekal berkuasa.
"Fokusnya apa (tuan-tuan), fokusnya liwat, fokusnya video, fokusnya yang terbaru kita dapati mereka memberikan warganegara kepada 2,000 orang luar. Kebanyakannya orang Indon untuk menjadi pengundi di Hulu Selangor bagi menjamin kemenangan Umno dan Barisan Nasional.
"Kalau serah pada Umno tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, negara inipun mereka sanggup gadai, inipun mereka sanggup jual,” katanya ketika menyampaikan ceramah dalam Program Jelajah Selangor Tawan Malaysia di Dewan Datuk Omar, Kampung Bukit Belimbing dekat sini malam tadi.
Menurut Nik Nazmi, perkembangan politik negara mutakhir ini begitu memalukan dan membimbangkan sehingga dunia luar memandang serong terhadap apa yang berlaku dan dipertontonkan oleh media-media kawalan Umno.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) pada Selasa lalu mendedahkan cubaan Umno bahagian Hulu Selangor menambah undi parti berkenaan menjelang pilihan raya umum dengan memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada warga asing.
PKR juga sudah membuat laporan polis mengenai hal itu di Balai Polis Bukit Sentosa, Rawang semalam.
Menurut Nik Nazmi lagi, setelah ikhtiar menjatuhkan kredibiliti Anwar yang dilihat sebagai tiang dalam Pakatan Rakyat, pelbagai lagi taktik digunakan Umno-Barisan Nasional untuk menghakis sokongan masyarakat kepada Pakatan.
“Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan kenapa mereka nak kenakan Anwar Ibrahim? Sudah 13 tahun Anwar Ibrahim diserang dengan pelbagai tohmahan dan fitnah kaki lelaki, kaki perempuan, agen CIA, agen Yahudi, agen China, penggadai Islam, mana satu? Kalau tak kalah James Bond.
“Anwar Ibrahim semua (dia jadi), ada masa pulak dia nak jadi agen macam-macam, jadi biseksual, gila tak gila, Anwar Ibrahim ni diserang bertalu-talu bukan sebab nama dia Anwar Ibrahim, bukan sebab dia pemimpin Keadilan, tetapi sebab dia adalah ancaman terbesar kepada Umno-Barisan Nasional,” katanya.
Tambah Nik Nazmi, tidak cukup dengan itu Umno-BN terus meniup perasaan bimbang di kalangan masyarakat Melayu-Islam apabila melemparkan fitnah kepada DAP menerusi Utusan Malaysia dengan penyiaran berita bahawa agama Kristian akan menggantikan Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara.
Tegasnya, umum harus memahami bagi mengubah Perlembagaan Negara bukan semudah disangka kerana DAP memerlukan majoriti dua pertiga di Dewan Rakyat bagi tujuan itu.
Jelasnya, usaha terbaru itu adalah jelas mahu menimbulkan keresahan di kalangan rakyat dan demi kepentingan politik Umno-BN bagi terus mengekalkan kuasa.
Turun Cukai Pendapatan Hanya Gimik Politik
SHAH ALAM 11 MEI: Cadangan menurunkan cukai pendapatan bagi memberi laluan pelaksanaan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) hanya gimik politik yang dibangkitkan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.
Ini berikutan kedua-dua cukai tersebut tidak bersangkut paut antara satu sama lain.
Sebaliknya perkara yang membimbangkan adalah risiko peniaga-peniaga mengambil kesempatan keatas pengguna apabila kerajaan memperkenalkan GST kelak dengan mengenakan cukai lebih tinggi daripada empat peratus menurut Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Fomca, Datuk Paul Selvaraj.
Paul berkata, rakyat akan mengalami kejutan kenaikan harga apabila GST mengambil tempat menggantikan cukai servis dan jualan, justeru pemantauan teliti harus harus dilakukan untuk membendung cukai tersebut dieksploitasi sesetengah pihak.
"Ia akan memberi kesan dalam bentuk kenaikan harga umum tapi tidak akan memberi kesan kepada rakyat miskin sebab barang yang diperlukan oleh mereka berada pada kadar sifar. Mungkin ada kesan sangat kecil kepada golongan miskin namun kepada golongan pertengahan dan kaya, harga barang akan naik sekali sahaja.
"Hanya perkara yang membimbangkan kita adalah peniaga menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk mengenakan cukai lebih tinggi dengan menggunakan GST sebagai alasan," kata beliau kepada Tv Selangor.
Perdana Menteri Najib Razak sebelum ini mencadangkan kepada parlimen pada 1 Januari 2007 untuk melaksakan GST namun mendapat tentangan hebat daripada pelbagai pihak.
Dalam majlis Perundingan Bajet 2012 di Putrajaya semalam, Najib memberitahu akan mempertimbangkan semula pelaksanaan GST bertujuan menambah pendapatan negara yang selama ini bergantung sepenuhnya kepada hasil petroleum.
Jelasnya, kerajaan berhasrat untuk menggantikan cukai jualan dan perkhidmatan yang berada pada kadar 5 hingga 10 peratus kepada cukai yang disifatkan lebih mudah, telus dan komprehensif.
Susulan itu kerajaan akan membentangkan di parlimen pada persidangan akan datang dan melalui pendengaran kedua pada bulan Mac 2013 yang mana pelaksanaan akan mengambil tempat 18 bulan kemudian.
Dijangkakan kerajaan akan memperoleh RM1 bilion pada tahun pertama GST diadaptasikan.
Paul menambah sekiranya kerajaan berkeras melaksanakan GST, kepentingan golongan berpendapatan rendah harus diberi keutamaan termasuk mengawal jurang perbezaan masyarakat berpendapat rendah dan tinggi.
Malah beliau turut tidak menolak peningkatan kadar inflasi negara yang telah pun berada pada tahap 2.2 peratus pada Disember 2010, iaitu tertinggi dalam tempoh 19 bulan.
Ini berpunca daripada lonjakan harga makanan komoditi dan potogan subsidi oleh kerajaan pada akhir tahun lalu.
"Kerajaan harus meletakkan jaringan keselamatan pada dasar GST dan pengurangan subsidi minyak bagi memastikan golongan miskin dilindungi skim subsidi. Ini caranya untuk kekalkan taraf kehidupan yang minimum," ujar Paul lagi.
Sementara itu, Setiausaha Publisiti DAP, Tony Pua berpendapat cukai baru itu masih tidak relevan untuk dilaksanakan dalam masa terdekat memandangkan fokus kerajaan kini mensasarkan negara berpendapat tinggi menjelang 2020.
"Kalau kita sudah capai tahap pendapatan tinggi mungkin ianya sesuai. Tapi oleh kerana pada masa ini ramai lagi masih tidak mampu. Kedua pada masa ini ia akan lebih membebankan orang yang lebih miskin.
Justeru beliau menjangkakan kerajaan Umno-Barisan Nasional tidak akan melaksanakan GST sebelum pilihan raya.
Maslan Tonton Video Seks Dengan Isteri, Umno Taksub Dengan Anwar

KUALA LUMPUR 12 MEI : Umno menyambut ulangtahun ke 65nya semalam dalam keadaan masih taksub dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim walaupun beliau sudah 13 tahun meninggalkan parti itu .
Serangan ke atas Ketua Pembangkang itu menjadi tumpuan utama di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra dengan perwakilan diberikan naskah percuma buku berjudul Tuhan, Politik dan Seks' yang menfitnah Anwar dengan tuduhan jijik, menggunakan bahasa lucah.
Buku setebal 555 halaman adalah hasil penulis upahan Syed Hussein Al Attas. Ia diberikan kepada semua hadirin sebagai cendermata yang dimasukkan dalam sebuah beg.
Pada muka hadapan buku itu tertera gambar palsu Anwar yang berambut panjang perang, bergincu serta berkuku merah dan lasa bel “18SX”.
Turut dihentam dalam bukunya ialah Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Syed Hussein memperuntukan satu bab dengan tajuk “Nik Aziz: Ulamak Nyanyuk”.
Dalam pada itu, Ketua Penerangan Umno Ahmad Maslan memberitahu hadirin di satu forum bahawa beliau dan isterinya menonton video lucah Datuk T dan “yakin” pelaku itu adalah Anwar.”
Maslan tidak menerangkan keperluan beliau mengajak isterinya untuk sama-sama menonton video lucah 21 minit itu.
“Saya telah saksikan video itu dan yakin pelaku dalamnya adalah Anwar,” kata Ahmad Maslan di depan beberapa ulama Umno yang menyertai sebuah forum sempena ulangtahun ke 65 parti itu.
Sebelum itu ulama muda Fathul Bari Mat Jahya berkata dakwaan fitnah ke atas pemimpin politik melalui penyebaran rakaman video seks tidak sepatutnya dilakukan kerana ia bertentangan dengan prinsip Islam.
Fathul berkata, hukum mengaibkan seseorang seperti itu adalah dosa besar dan dan tidak sepatutnya dilakukan oleh Umno.
"Kita sepatutnya menutup keaiban manusia dan bukan membukanya," kata beliau.
Namun segala pengamatan Fathul itu ditolak oleh Ahmad Maslan yang mendakwa Umno tidak terlibat dalam fitnah sebegitu.
Namun Ketua Penerangan itu alpha dan tidak menerangkan kenapa buku seks Syed Hussein yang menfitnah Anwar diberikan kepada perwakilan Umno.
Harga Gula: BN Selamatkan 163 Kali Subsidi IPP Untuk Kroni

KUALA LUMPUR 12 MEI : Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng berkata kerajaan boleh menyelamatkan RM19 bilion setahun melalui pemberhentian subsidi kepada Syarikat Penjana Tenaga Bebas (IPP), berbanding RM116 juta pemotongan subsidi gula yang menyusahkan rakyat.
Menurut Guan Eng, penjimatan itu berkadaran 163 kali ganda sekiranya kerajaan menamatkan subsidi gas kepada syarikat kroni IPP seperti Malakoff, Genting Sanyen dan YTL.
Jelas Guan Eng, pada tahun kewangan 2009 sahaja, subsidi gas Petronas mencecah RM19 bilion, manakala pada setengah tahun pertama 2010, subsidi untuk bahan bakar itu mencecah RM10.2 bilion.
“Subsidi terkumpul yang ditanggung oleh Petronas hingga November 2010 sejak harga gas ditetapkan di bawah Sektor Tenaga 1997 dan Sektor Bukan Tenaga 2002 adalah sebanyak RM126.6 bilion.
“BN mendakwa bahawa walaupun berlaku kenaikan harga gula, kerajaan akan terus menyimpan RM111.6 juta bagi tujuan projek- projek pembangunan dan masih perlu membayar RM238.4 juta subsidi gula tahunan. DAP menolak hujah seperti itu yang tidak terbukti memberi manfaat kepada rakyat,” ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan media.
Menurut Guan Eng, RM116.6 juta yang disimpan tidak akan membawa manfaat kepada masyarakat selagi amalan rasuah dan projek runding terus dilaksana secara berleluasa.
“Akibatnya, gejala rasuah bermaharajalela dengan tiadanya tender terbuka untuk cadangan pembinaan MRT (Projek Aliran Transit Mass) yang berjumlah RM53 bilion dan keengganan untuk menyiasat kehilangan RM52 bilion saham bumiputera,” katanya.
Katanya lagi, pada masa yang sama kerajaan melalui akhbar milik Umno, Utusan Malaysia cuba mengalih perhatian rakyat dengan sengaja mewujudkan isu konspirasi kononnya DAP dan para paderi Kristian ingin menubuhkan sebuah negara Kristian dan melantik Perdana Menteri yang beragama Kristian.
“Penipuan seperti itu dicetak di muka hadapan Utusan Malaysia sedangkan tiada rakyat Malaysia beragama Kristian yang berusaha untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
“Penipuan Utusan ternyata adalah cubaan terdesak UMNO untuk mengalihkan perhatian daripada kegagalan pengurusan ekonomi serta kegagalan dasar- dasar lain sehingga menyebabkan kenaikan harga petrol dan gula,” ujarnya.