Dear All , Another precaution and safety issues to take note. Please sent it to your friends and relatives and your loved ones for their safety….!!!!
Below is the real policeman ID:
Ladies, be alert. It is happening in Penang !!!
I used to receive forwarded emails regarding incidents of being 'disturbed' by a fake policeman but I don't really believe that until i met one last saturday . It was 8.30am when I was driving at Jln Ayer Itam. I noticed a motorbike following me closely. Of course I didnt suspect anything bcos that is the main road to town. However, at the Mobil petrol station, b4 SRJK Shang Wu, I turned left to Tmn Lumba Kuda & he followed.
This time he was riding the motorbike on my right & took out his handcuff and kept saying "Saya polis". I ignored him. Then at the tmn lumba kuda housing area he overtook my car & stopped his motorbike infront on me. I stopped & waited till he got down from his bike then I drove off again. Unfortunately, we met again at the tuffclub traffic light. This time, he kept knocking at my window and asking me to co me out from my car. He also showed me a so called police ID card without photo or logo.
I'm very sure that he is not a genuine policeman. Even if he is a real one, and if I did break any traffic rules , he can just send me a summon without needing me to get down from my car. So, I decided go drive to police station. He followed me till a few hundreds metre b4 I turned to the police station. He is a medium size Malay guy, abt 165-170cm height.. Riding Modenas Kriss 100 , PGN 74. p/s: A REAL policeman ID card is light yellow in color with Logo & the word "polis diraja malaysia " in front. At the back, there will be a passport size photo, name & matriks number . Hope this thing wont happen again and wont happen to any of you as well.