1. Today is the 1st of Jan 2009. I wish all my readers and friends, a happy and prosperous new year. I hope all Malaysian have a fantastic year in 2009. Sadly though, it appears that there is someone that is leaving the 2008 with so much anger in him. The Star paper front page headline was “New Year Ultimatum”. Normally I do not read much of political news in Malaysian papers as usually the reports tends to be one sided. With KT by election is around the corner, more negative news on PR is being pushed to our ears and eyes. Too much garbage that sometimes I feel like I want to puke (vomit).
2. I believe by now, many of you will be wondering what I am blabbering about. I am talking about PKR Manikavasagam (aka Mike)(Kapar MP) who has been airing his frustrations against his party via public media. He is seeking glory via the media by washing dirty laundry in public. So juicy is the news that TV3 has been showing it repeatedly on daily basis as one of the important agenda. I do not wish to talk about what his frustration but I want to focus on some of the things that he said which I find is too hard to swallow and rather distasteful.
3. In Malaysiakini it was reported that “Mike quits S’gor post, remains supreme Council member” where he announced his resignation and subsequently attended an “Informal Indian Liaison Committee”. What Indian committee in PKR? I am shocked when I read this because PKR is a multiracial party and everyone is equal. Why then there is a need to have an Indian group within PKR. Another committee member was upset as 3 others Indian PKR MP did not attend the meeting. I am glad that they did not attend the meeting. PKR was not form on the basis of skin color or ethnic background. Mike action and the action of some of his supporters were wrong. It is quite obvious that Mike doesn’t know the meaning of being a team player. He doesn’t know the aspiration of PKR and those people that put him into office because he stands as a PKR candidate.
4. On the Malaysiakini TV, Mike said that he is disappointed about several Issues which includes among others, the Klang Bas stand relocation issue, land issue and he sighted the example of “Taman Sentosa in Kapar where despite 95% of the population being Indians, the Ketua Kampung is Malay! What the heck is wrong with you Mike? Why are you questioning the ethnic background of this Ketua Kampung? I expect you to criticize his inability to do his job and not his ethnic background in relation to the population. Has he failed in his duty as Ketua Kampung? How has he failed? This is what I expect him to argue. I think along the line Mike forgot that he is the deputy chairman of Selangor PKR which members is more than 70% Malays and in Selangor he represent the interest of more than 60% Malays. No one questions his position.
5. I am not privy to the land problems that he has raised but I am quite aware of the bus station relocation issues. I understand the impact on businesses with the relocation but then I am also aware with regards to the issue of congestion, pollution and poor town planning in the existing area. Is Mike suggesting that because it has an impact on Indian business with the relocation then it should not be done? If that is the case then he certainly disappoints me with his micro view. Certainly there would be an impact initially. What he should have done is to address the businesses relocation to the new area. He should assist them in minimizing the cost of relocation and the cost of doing business in the new place. This would be a win-win situation for all parties. Saying outright no to dislocation is a disservice to the majority of consumers that use buses at the Klang Bus Station. The needs of the majority need to be taken into consideration also. A good leader will find a balance situation.
6. As for Mike, he needs to reexamine his position on his racial biasness. If he wants to be racially bias then I think PKR or PR is not the political platform for him. He should consider the MIC of IPF or PPP which are racial bases political party in the BN. In 2009, I had hope that the country will move forward and away from communal politics but Manikavasagam action has dampen my spirit on the first day of the new year. Lastly, I hope Mike will learn something from Mahatma Gandhi (MG).
7. At the height of the civil war that led to the partition of India and Pakistan, an Indian man (of Hindu faith) came and sees Gandhi in tears for killing his Muslim neighbor and now the couple 3 year old son is orphaned without any relatives. He ask Gandhiji for advice and Gandhi told him that he must raised the child as one of his own son but make sure he turns out to be a good Muslim and not a Hindu.
8. MG saw what many of us did not see. He sees the need to blend in the differences. He sees the future of India. I suggest Mike sit down and reflect on this short story. You have a lot to learn. Stop bickering and stop with this communal politics, please la macha….