Orang dah kata nak main politik, tak payah lagi nak mengajar. Sebab nanti ceramah dan kuliyah akan disulami dengan fitnah dan hasutan. Dan banyak kali berlaku kan.

Dia ni ada jawatan dalam PAS. Pernah bertanding di parlimen. Jadi secara rasminya telah menjadi ahli politik. Sebagai ahli politik, sewajarnya tauliah itu ditarik balik.

Tengok cara dia tulis posting ni. Nampak tak dia spin nak nampak macam dia dimangsakan? Dah macam ni, macamana nak percaya dia mengajar di surau lagi? Guane boh?


Raja Gelap II 



  1. Dia patut cakap. InsyaAllah saya akan menghasut dan memfitnah di tempat lain pula.

  2. sometimes what happens in our lives doesn't hold our hearts, we don't hold back our hearts and we don't calm our hearts with the tune of dhikr poetry to pamper ourselves sometimes there are things or about something that is out of the box and sometimes we have to agree, God is always in front of us, our minds must be open and there is no need for something that happens that everyone should know, the world should know because it is your test, your experience and these fingers are sometimes not compatible with the mind or the heart, all should be updated on social media asking for sympathy and working on bad perceptions or views, on the other hand, something that is not authoritative happened and an unfair understanding for all Selangor citizens need to remember that every decision only coordinates goodness and priorities and believe it is more about something that coordinates values, builds priorities, prioritizes something important..
