Arzim Naim

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Turn Brahim's pulak kena PN17. PN17 ni basically bila syarikat menghadapi ketidakpastian dalam bisnes mereka dalam masa 12 bulan. Bahasa accounting dia adalah 'material uncertainty relating to going concern'. Akibat dapat PN17, Securities Commission suruh share Brahim's di delisted, saham mereka tak boleh didagangkan. Basically, jadi macam Syarikat Sendirian Berhad balik. Awal tahun ni, Air Asia pun kena benda yang sama dan dah appeal dengan SC tapi tak dapat.

Pendapat aku, masalah dengan Brahim's ialah diorang adalah sole caterer kepada MAS. Bila zaman pandemic, MAS pun tak fly, nak generate income macamana? Dan bagi aku, selagi Brahim's masih menjadi sole caterer dia, MAS takkan profit. Dulu sole caterer MAS adalah MAS Catering, sebahagian daripada MAS. Tapi contract supply makanan ni di bagi pada Brahim's pulak, yang related dengan salah sorang dari our long list of Prime Ministers. Kontrak pulak jangka panjang. Bila MAS terciduk, dengan Brahim's, Brahim's terciduklah. Memang dia ada bisnes lain macam supply rempah ratus macam Adabi kat supermarket. Tapi main income dia pada MAS. Tu belum lagi diorang kontrak food court universiti awam.

Mungkin dah jadi style bisnes orang Melayu kot, kalau nak bisnes, taknak compete open market. Mesti kena ada kontrak dan kena monopolize the market. Dan macam aku cakap, selagi MAS masih teruskan kontrak dengan Brahim's, diorang takkan dapat bagi competitive rate pada customers. Iye lah, Brahim's bila supply mesti mark-up profit dia. Bila sampai kat MAS, MAS pun mark-up profit dia. Tu belum campur tax lagi. So, macamana nak bagi rate yang bagus pada customer? Kalau MAS nak turn-around, MAS kena resurrect MAS Catering.

Pandai macamana manusia, takde sorang pun expect pandemic akan terjadi sampai satu dunia shut-down 2 tahun. Buat lah macamana litmus test tiap2 tahun, kalau Tuhan nak bagi ujian, takde siapa boleh tepis. I hope Brahim's will see silver-lining, buck up and prevail from all the tests.


KUALA LUMPUR: Brahim's Holdings Bhd will be delisted from Bursa Malaysia on June 3, 2022.

The Practice Note 17 (PN17), in a Bursa filing, said Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd had dismissed its appeal for an extension of time to submit the regularisation plan to the relevant authorities for approval and decided to de-list the company pursuant to paragraph 8.04 of the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements.

The securities of the company shall be removed from the official list of Bursa Securities on June 3.

Upon the de-listing of the company, the company will continue to exist but as an unlisted entity. The company is still able to continue its operations and businesses and proceed with its corporate restructuring and its shareholders can still be rewarded by the company’s performance.

However, the shareholders will be holdings shares which are no longer quoted and traded on Bursa Securities.

Meanwhile, Brahim’s net loss narrowed to RM4.85mil in the first quarter ended March 31 from RM6.92mil a year ago.

Revenue, however, jumped 126.54% to RM16.19mil compared with RM7.15mil registered in the same quarter last year.

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