HUSAM MUSA : Sijil Pengurusan Hutan Kelantan Dibatalkan Masih Nak Main Silap Mata


Saya baru 'bertatih' menulis mengenai pembalakan di Kelantan. Selepas lama juga 'beri masa lega' pada yang nak 'gomol' khazanah Kelantan.
Cepat-cepat lah anak buah yang kurang tahu cerita, up kan grafik tunjuk kawasan Hutan Simpan Kelantan bertambah luas!
Grafik macam tu - semua tu silap mata saja. Macam arnab keluar dari topi kosong pemain silap mata. Arnab bukan ada. Mata saja tersilau. Kanak-kanak tepuk tangan.
(Dipanggil statistical illusion atau wayang statistik)
Nanti lah bila sampai masanya kita cerita.
Untuk adik-adik berkenaan, boleh tolong jawab apa sebab Sijil Pengurusan Hutan/ The Certificate for Forest Management untuk Negeri Kelantan telah digantung oleh Malaysian Timber Certification Council sejak 18 March 2016?
(The Certificate for Forest Management issued to the Kelantan State FMU (FMC 005) against the requirements of MC&I(Natural Forest) have been suspended with effect from 18 March 2016).
Antara lain - link untuk laman MTCC : - untuk adik-adik yg bijak pandai baca sendiri. Banyak lagi link lain laman MTCC mengenai tajuk ini boleh dilayari. (Tapi jangan pula pi balun MTCC!).
Ikut laporan itu lagi : SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. membuat keputusan itu kerana Jabatan Perhutanan Kelantan gagal membetulkan perkara-perkara besar yang dipohon mengenai pengurusan hutan Negeri Kelantan.
(SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. made this decision after the Kelantan State FMU failed to close a major Corrective Action Request (CAR) following the second surveillance audit carried out by SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. It is required that any major non-conformity raised must be adequately addressed within the given time for the FMU to maintain its certification).
Kemudian, berkuat kuasa 23 November 2016, sijil berkenaan ditarik balik sepenuhnya!
(The Certificate for Forest Management for the Kelantan State FMU has been withdrawn by SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd with effect from 23 November 2016. The withdrawal of the Certificate was due to the failure of Kelantan State Forestry Department in resolving satisfactorily the major non conformity raised in the surveillance audit).
Macam mana pulak kata pengurusan hutan Kelantan begitu baik?
Kalau lesen pengurusan hutan pun ditarik balik dah ENAM TAHUN, faham-faham la.
Apa pun, kalau rasa Kerajaan Kelantan begitu menjaga Hutan Kelantan dengan baik, khususnya Hutan Simpan - beranikah buat satu jawatankuasa bebas bersama audit untuk memeriksa Hutan Negeri Kelantan?
Saya pasti Kerajaan Kelantan kata 'berani' kan?
#Anak Kelantan bangkit
#Demi Kelantan!
Suspension of Forest Management Certificate for Kelantan State FMU | MTCC
Suspension of Forest Management Certificate for Kelantan State FMU | MTCC
The Certificate for Forest Management issued to the Kelantan State FMU (FMC 005) against the requirements of MC&I(Natural Forest) have been suspended with effect from 18 March 2016 until further notice. SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. made this decision after the Kelantan State FMU failed to clos...

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