Ganesan**’s presence caused and contributed to State Assembly ruckus*

The claim by self-proclaimed Speaker of* *the Perak State Assembly, R Ganesan, that he had no choice but to summon the police into the House at the height of the ruckus during the May 7 sitting, is dubious and deceiving (/Sunday Star/ 17 May 2009). There is no merit in his claim.
In the first instance, his entry into and his very presence in the Assembly is questionable. How on earth did Ganesan get into the Assembly? The Assembly building was out of bounds to all except the elected members of the Assembly.

There was a police cordon to prevent all the others from entering the Assembly. A 500 metre no-access zone was declared and anyone found anywhere near this perimeter were either chased away or were arrested when they resisted the police orders.

Even Perak Members of Parliament were denied access to the Assembly. Veteran MP Lim Kit Siang was refused entry into the building in spite of the fact that he had come with the invitation letter from the Speaker to attend the Assembly sitting.

Likewise, Kulasegaran and Dr Jeyakumar, both elected MPs from Perak were turned away. That’s how strict the police were. They stringently enforced this ruling of refusing permission to all and sundry.

*Smuggled in?*

So the natural question is: How did Ganesan gain entry into the building. Who authorized his presence in the Perak State Assembly? How did he by-pass the police security arrangement? How did he hood-wink the police? How come the police did not detect him? Was he smuggled in? Was he planted in the building the previous day?

Is it possible that the police were working hand in glove with illegitimate MB Zambry and BN Assemblymen and facilitated Ganesan’s presence in the building?
Ganesan had no business to be inside the Assembly. One can safely conclude that his appearance and continued presence in the Assembly prompted and provoked a situation which went beyond control.

Secondly, contrary to his claim that he had no choice but to call in the police, if indeed he was the Speaker of the Assembly as he claims, he could have adjourned the Assembly sitting, following which he and his cohorts could have left the Assembly.

This simple action would have prevented the Assembly from becoming chaotic and unruly. Since he did not do this, it can be rightly construed that he had contributed to the topsy-turvy situation.

The illegitimate MB and the Barisan Nasional Assemblypersons by smuggling in Ganesan had incited the unruly behaviour.

*Illegally Elected?*

Thirdly, the way Ganeson was ‘elected’ Speaker was also questionable. According to Speaker V Sivakumar, the Assembly had not been convened. In other words, the Assembly was not in session.

Sivakumar had stated that he would not convene the Assembly as long as those ordered out of the House were still inside. That was his stated position. That being the case, how was Ganesan elected when the Assembly was not in session?

Can a group of BN Assemblymen get together privately in one corner of the Assembly building when the Speaker was still occupying his chair and elect someone else? We have a situation when an outsider appears mysteriously in the building and he was elected Speaker when the Assembly had not officially convened.

This was not the only absurd situation we had on 7 May. On that day, we also seemed to have had two Speakers and two Menteris Besar at the same time in the same building!
The Standing Orders of the Assembly were thrown to the winds and the proper procedures that had to be followed were totally ignored. And that was the reason why things turned ugly, unruly and chaotic on May 7.

*A BN-Police conspiracy?*

Ganesan further contributed to the chaos by ordering the police to forcibly evict Sivakumar from the Assembly. What were the police doing inside the Assembly? Ganesan did not send someone to invite the police to do his bidding. They were already there waiting for his orders. Isn’t that very strange!

By calling on the police to drag out the duly elected Speaker from the Assembly, Ganesan had defiled and desecrated the sanctity of the Assembly. It is an unforgivable sin that he had committed that must be roundly condemned. We should never introduce thuggish behaviour into the legislative assembly where the rule of law should have been paramount and should have prevailed at all times.

What transpired as a result of Ganesan’s conduct raises many serious questions. Why did the police obey him? How did they know he was the new speaker? Was there an announcement that Sivakumar was ousted?

Or was this part of a pre-prepared and pre-rehearsed script? The way things fell into place would indicate that there was a scheme to capture the Perak state government, if necessary, by force. The plot was hatched studiously and implemented without a care for the rule of law.
This is a dangerous precedent and it should not be tolerated. It must be condemned in the strongest terms. There must be retribution for this outrageous behaviour.

Perakians will remember this shameful episode in their proud history and they will punish all those who frustrated the democratic will of the people.

P Ramakrishnan


19 May 2009


KUALA LUMPUR, 19 MEI (SK) - BARISAN Nasional telah mengiktiraf kekuatan Pakatan Rakyat apabila parti itu menyatakan hasrat untuk tidak bertanding dalam Pilihanraya Kecil Penanti.
Menurut Calon Pakatan Rakyat Penanti, Mansor Othman keputusan BN tdak meletakan calon ialah tanda mengikitiraf kekuatan Pakatan Rakyat sehingga tidak berani bertanding di kerusi berkenaan.
“Ini adalah satu pengiktirafan BN kepada kekuatan Pakatan Rakyat kerana tidak bertanding dalam pilihanraya kecil ini,” katanya ketika dihubungi Suara Keadilan petang ini.
Selain itu juga, Mansor turut mengingatkan agar seluruh jentera tidak pandang ringan dengan keputusan BN untuk tidak bertanding.
Kata Mansor lagi, seluruh jentera dan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat harus bersedia untuk segala kemungkinan yang ada menjelang hari penamaan calon, 23 Mei ini.
“Semua jentera dan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat harus bersedia dan tidak terlalu gembira dan teruskan dengan segala perancangan kempen walau BN tidak bertanding,” katanya lagi.

Mahkamah Dengari Kes Pecat Anwar 21 Mei Ini

PUTRAJAYA - Mahkamah Persekutuan dijangka akan bersidang untuk mendengar rayuan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (foto) berhubung kes pemecatan beliau dari jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada tahun 1998 pada hari Khamis, 21 Mei 2009 ini . Anwar telah mencabar kesahihan pemecatan tersebut kerana ianya tidak menuruti lunas Perlembagaan dan asas perlembagaan yang sewajarnya. Dalam kejadian pada 2 September 1998 itu, Anwar telah dipecat daripada parti dan kerajaan kerana dituduh terlibah dalam kes liwatnya. Walhal, ketika itu perbicaraan masih belun dijalankan oleh mahkamah dan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Tun Mahathir hanya mendapat maklumat berkenaan daripada pihak-pihak tertentu semata-mata. Dalam banyak kes sebelum ini, pemimpin UMNO itu sering mengatakan bahawa mana-mana pemimpin tidak wajar dipersalahkan selagi mahkamah belum memutuskannya. Namun dalam kes Anwar ia agak janggal dan menampakkan sikap "double standard" dikalangan pemimpin UMNO sendiri. Maka itulah adalah amat wajar Anwar mempertikaikan perkara ini dan menuntut.


Nampak hambar apabila ramai yang merasa kecewa apabila Umno tidak bertanding.Bukan budaya Umno untuk tidak beranding sejak 52 tahun lalu.Betul kawasan ini bukan kawasan Umno , namun ramai penyokong yang kecewa kerana seolah-olah tiadanya saingan.Namun itu keputusan yang dibuat Umno
BN enggan lawan PKR di Penanti

Namun semalam suasana tetap terang benderang di markas Pakatan Rakyat,dan calon pertama yang muncul menyatakan untuk bertanding ialah Mohd Sabri Osman.Sehingga kini Aminah Abdullah , bekas ketua wanita PKR negeri belum muncul untuk menyatakan pendirian untuk bertanding.Manakala PRM dalam kenyataan akhbar menyatakan akan meletakkan calon dengan lambang asal parti tersebut iaitu kepala lembu.

Adakah pilihanraya Penanti akan memecah rekod calon Bebas di Bukit Selambau hanya masa yang menentukan.Namun kemeriahan pilihanraya akan tetap berjalan dengan ceramah dari pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat dan juga perniaga yang menunggu kehadiran penyokong.


PENANTI 18 MEI-Calon bebas pertama N 12 Penanti semalam muncul dengan membuat kenyataan akhbar dengan mengemukakan alasan untuk membantu para belia dan juga membantu bagi menghalang remaja lepak dan juga merepit.Menyatakan akan bekerjasama dengan semua pemimpin bagi membantu meningkatkan kemahiran belia dan juga membantu menjana ekonomi. para belia dan juga penduduk tempatan.
Belau juga berkata jika memenangi kerusi N12 Penanti perkara pertama yang di fikirkan ialah membeli sebuah kereta mayat bagi meningkatkan perkhidmatan kerana beliau sendiri pernah mengalaminya apabila seorang saudara beliau meninggal kereta jenazah lambat sehingga terpaksa menunggu selama satu jam.
Mohd Sabri Bin Osman 49 seorang ahlii perniagaan kereta terpakai mewah menetap di Kuala Lumpur dan berkata beliau adalah anak jati Kubang Semang dan mempunyai ramai kenalan dan saudara mara yang meminta beliau bertanding sebagai sebuah negara demokrasi.
"Saya anak jati Penanti dan bersal dari Kubang Semang dan kerana itu saya menawarkan diri untuk masyarakat di Penanti,dan saya mahu berbaik dengan semua pemimpin untuk memudahkan saya berkhidmat untuk anak tempatan" Demikian dakwa Mohd Sabri lagi.
Beliau yang memunyai 6 anak kini pernah berkhidmat dengan angkatan tentera dan bersara dengan rekod yang baik, dan menjalankan perniagaan kereta terpakai dan terlibat aktif dalam kesatuan pengedar kereta terpakai.

Apabila ditanya sama ada beliau ditaja oleh Umno , beliau menafikan perkara tersebut dan menyatakan beliau tidak menyertai sebarang parti politik kerana itu beliau akan tetap menjadi calon bebas demi memberikan khidmat kepada masyarakat Penanti

Ramai yang hadir menyangkakan bahawa Aminah Abdullah akan muncul memberi sidang akhbar , namun terkejut dengan kemunculan Mohd Sabri.Beliau bersama penyokong akan bekerja dan menemui masyarakat tanpa mengira tempat dan akan berkempen dari rumah ke rumah sebagai satu cara beliau menjalankan kempen.