Mohamad Sabu ditahan polis

KUALA LUMPUR 6 Mei - Naib Presiden Pas, Mohamad Sabu ditahan polis di sebuah restoran di Jalan Pahang Barat di sini petang ini berhubung penganjuran majlis solat hajat sempena persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak, esok.

Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman, Datuk Seri Mohd. Bakri Mohd. Zinin ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini mengesahkan penahanan pemimpin kanan Pas itu.
Difahamkan, Mohamad ditahan di bawah Akta Hasutan 1948 oleh kira-kira 10 anggota polis berpakaian preman sewaktu beliau meninggalkan restoran itu yang terletak berhampiran Hospital Tawakal, kira-kira pukul 3 petang ini.

Sebelum itu dia dikatakan sedang minum bersama beberapa ahli Pas termasuk Ketua Dewan Pemuda Pas, Salahuddin Ayub di restoran berkenaan.

Juga difahamkan dalam kejadian tersebut, beberapa ahli Pas itu cuba menghalang penahanan Mohamad tetapi tidak berhasil.

Aikkkkk nak ajak solat pun boleh kena tangkap??????

Lawlessness and the Perak Assembly

Chaos has descended upon Ipoh and the rule of law has been savaged by the brutish behaviour of Umno Perak State Assemblymen. What we have witnessed today will condemn us for ever for reducing a much respected institution into the law of the jungle. Decorum was not observed and the rule of law was totally discarded.

By refusing to be bound by the rules of the Assembly, the Umno Assemblymen and sergeants-at-arms have demeaned democracy and the democratic process. The same conduct that arrogantly discarded the mandate of the Perakians in the power grab engineered by Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak is at play once again in the state assembly ignoring the sanctity of the assembly and displaying the very arrogance that has no place in this sacred institution.

There was no need to have pushed for this sitting of the assembly when the status and legitimacy of Zambry as Perak Menteri Besar is still in question. This very crucial issue had not been legally settled and yet the Umno assemblymen could not wait for the resolution of the issue. They are bent on taking over the state assembly by any means – mostly by foul means.
The sergeant-at-arms has no authority to disobey the orders of the Speaker. It is not their business to take sides nor to decide whether the instruction given is right or other wise. They don’t seem to know their place or understand their role.

The police have acted in a diabolical manner and did not act professionally and in an impartial manner as they are required to do so. They are seen to be acting pro-Barisan Nasional and in a high-handed fashion in arresting so many people who had not posed any serious threat to the security of the nation.

There was no entry into the 500-meter zone to keep people away from the vicinity of the assembly. They have made it clear that anyone breaching this court order will be arrested. That being the case how did Datuk R Ganesan gain access into the assembly to be illegally “elected” as the Speaker of the assembly? Ganesan was even prepared to use force to grab the Speaker’s chair proving that he is prone to violence. This is clearly conduct unbecoming of someone aspiring to be the Speaker of the Assembly.

On what basis did the sergeant-at-arms and the police forcefully and physically act to evict the lawful Speaker of the Assembly in this outrageous manner? Isn’t the Assembly out of bounds for the police to walk in and act in this atrocious way?

It appears that the police are also in league with the Umno assemblymen to do their bidding in helping the Umno assemblymen to take control of the assembly.

It is not even clear that the Perak State Assembly had been convened legally and legitimately for the Umno motions to be tabled and adopted. In a rough shod manner they had bulldozed their way to secure their position with scant respect for formal procedure and protocol.
Law and order has completely broken down in the Perak State Assembly and in this state of lawlessness Umno has taken charge of the Perak State Assembly. This is no honourable take over of the august body. It is a shameful way of acquiring power through brute force.
Najib must be held responsible for this pandemonium. He had created this situation in bringing about the change of government that has resulted in the bedlam that we had witnessed in the state assembly.

If only the earnest appeals and prayers for the dissolution of the state assembly had been heeded we would have had a people’s government to govern Perak.
This injustice will be rectified at the 13th general election when the rallying cry will be, “Remember Perak – Remember the injustice.”

P Ramakrishnan


7 May 2009

Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) (National Consciousness Movement) 103 Medan Penaga, 11600 Penang, Malaysia Tel: +60 (0)4 658 5251 Fax: +60 (0)4 658 5197 e-mail: Website: is a reform movement dedicated to Justice, Freedom, and Solidarity and is listed on the roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations To subscribe to Aliran Monthly, click become an Aliran member, click



IPOH-Suasana tegang pagi tadi dapat dilihat dimana hampir 30 ditahan.Antara yang ditahan ialah, Ketua Pemuda PAS,Salahuddin Ayub; Ahli Parlimen Parit Buntar, Dr Mujahid Yusof; Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin; ahli Parlimen Sungai Siput, Dr S.Jayakumar dan beberapa Adun serta 30 orang awam.

sementara itu menurut Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, Idham Lim berkata pihak istana bersetuju untuk bekerjasama dengan Pakatan Rakyat demi kestabilan politik dan masa depan negeri Perak.

Dalam blog beliau melaporkan berkata semasa mengiringi Raja Muda Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah telah meluahkan hasrat baginda untuk bekerjasama dengan Pakatan Rakyat.
“Saya iringi Tuanku keluar dan Tuanku mengatakan Baginda mahu bekerja dengan Pakatan Rakyat. BN meletakkan orang yang haram jadi Speaker.Sidang hari ini tidak sah.

“Pada hakikat ada persidangan, kerana perintah awal tidak diikuti maka kami menghormati perintah Speaker.Bagaimana hak Speaker tidak dipatuhi dan dirampas. Dun Perak telah dilacur dengan begitu dasyat dengan kerja yang keji dengan menggunakan orang luar.
“Kami menghormati Raja Muda dan saya dititah oleh Tuanku mahu bekerja dengan Pakatan Rakyat, apa yang BN buat usul dalam dewan semua itu tidak laku dan sah kerana telah ditolak sejak semalam lagi.

“Apa yang dibuat oleh BN iaitu menidakkan Speaker telah menghina dewan cukup mengaibkan. Kemasukan orang luar satu tindakan yang tidak bertamadun. Kita mahu Dun Perak dibubarkan, kerana kerajaan sekarang tidak sah,” kata Idham dalam blognya.


Maklumat yang diterima seorang pelajar USM yang menduduki ijazah sarjana Ng Eng Kiat ditahan di hadapan Dewan Sri Pinang yang dihadiri sekitar 50 orang dan ramai lagi .semua poster dirampas.