Orang ramai diminta jayakan program pada 11 Disember
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Suara Keadilan Online - Laman M@RHAEN

ORANG RAMAI diminta memberi sokongan dengan beramai-ramai menyertai tiga program utama untuk mempertahankan hak sebagai rakyat Malaysia anjuran badan-badan sedar masyarakat pada hari minggu ini dan awal minggu depan.

Program tersebut ialah perarakan peguam “Lawyers for Freedom of Assembly” yang bermula di kompleks membeli-belah Sogo pada 7.00 pagi pada hari Ahad 9 Disember manakala pada sebelah malam akan diadakan sokongan solidariti berbagai kaum kepada 31 orang tahanan Hindraf yang kini merengkok dilokap kerana dinafikan hak ikat jamin.

Sementara pada hari Selasa 11 Disember pula Gabungan Pilihanaya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) akan mengadakan satu lagi perhimpunan rakyat di Bangunan Parlimen bagi membantah usaha kerajaan menyambung perkhidmatan Pengerusi SPR Abdul Rashid Rahman yang tamat perkhidmatan bulan ini.

Butir-butir lengkap program:

1. Perarakan peguam sempena hari hak asasi sedunia (telah dijalankan)
Tarikh: 9 Disember (Ahad)
Masa: 7.00 pagi
Tempat: Kompleks membeli-belah Sogo dan kemudian berarak ke Pasar Seni

2. Solidariti berbagai kaum untuk tahanan Hindraf
Tarikh: 9 Disember (Ahad)
Masa: 8 Malam
Tempat: Dataran Merdeka

3. Perhimpunan Bersih bantah penyambungan khidmat Pengerusi SPR
Tarikh: 11 Disember (Selasa)
Masa: 10 Pagi
Tempat: Perkarangan Bangunan Parlimen

Penyokong PAS berkumpul di rumah Mohamad Sabu

Mohd Sabri Said
Sun | Dec 09, 07 | 8:25:28 pm MYT

TASEK GELUGOR, 9 Dis (Hrkh) - Ratusan pemuda, veteran dan penyokong PAS berkumpul di perkarangan rumah Naib Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu, dekat sini, sejak pukul enam petang tadi setelah berita penahanannya oleh pihak polis tersebar luas melalui sistem pesanan ringkas (SMS).

Wakil Harakahdaily yang dihubungi Bendahari Badan Perhubungan PAS Pulau Pinang, Ustaz Khalid Man bergegas ke lokasi di Guar Petai, Tasek Gelugor dan mendapati sudah ramai para pemuda berbaju merah, yang merupakan anggota Unit Amal berkumpul di situ, dan ada di antaranya yang berpakaian kuning, merujuk kempen BERSIH (Gabungan Menuntut Pilihan Raya Adil dan Bersih).

Menurut Ustaz Khalid yang juga Yang Dipertua PAS Tasek Gelugor, rombongan Mohamad Sabu masih dalam perjalanan pulang dari Ipoh dengan diiringi beberapa kenderaan pengiring termasuk pihak polis.

Setakat berita ini ditulis semua petugas baru selesai menunaikan solat Magrib berjemaah di beberapa buah rumah penduduk sekitar.

Sebelum semua menunaikan solat berjemaah, Timbalan Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri, Ustaz Yusni Mat Piah memberikan sedikit penerangan termasuk lokasi terbaru rombongan Mohamad Sabu berada.

Mohamad Sabu ditahan dekat Sunway City, Tambun, Perak ketika dalam perjalanan bersama rombongannya dalam urusan perkahwinan anak perempuan beliau. Ramai anggota keluarga Mohamad Sabu berada bersamanya.

Penangkapannya dipercayai ada kaitan dengan demonstrasi anjuran Bersih pada 10 November lalu dan juga cadangan mengadakan perhimpunan aman di hadapan bangunan Parlimen, 11 Disember ini.

Ketua Penerangan KeADILan yang juga merupakan antara penggerak himpunan Bersih itu turut ditahan di bawah Akta Polis, Seksyen 27(5)(a), di Johor Bahru, jam 5.15 petang tadi. Hampir 100,000 hadir dalam perarakan penuh bersejarah bagi mendesak pihak kerajaan melakukan perubahan ke atas sistem pilihan raya yang kini berjalan secara tempang dan memihak parti pemerintah.

Ramai percaya kerajaan BN pimpinan Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dalam keadaan tertekan dan dijangka banyak lagi tindakan drastik mungkin diambil termasuk melakukan penahanan tanpa bicara di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).

3 tragedi 9 Disember: Malaysia menuju sebuah Negara Polis

Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang
Sun | Dec 09, 07 | 7:06:09 pm MYT

PAS melihat beberapa insiden yang berlaku pada hari ini dengan penuh kebimbangan dan menegaskan bantahan sekeras-kerasnya terhadap apa yang berlaku itu.

Pertama: Tindakan Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Terengganu yang enggan memberikan ikat jamin kepada dua orang ahli PAS, iaitu Suwandi Ab Ghani, 38, dan Muhammad Azman Aziz, 21 yang dituduh dengan pelbagai tuduhan berikutan Perisitwa Hitam Batu Burok, Kuala Terengganu, 8 September, 2007 lalu.

Keenganan memberikan ikat jamin kepada kedua-dua ahli PAS ini sangat luar biasa sedangkan semua kes yang dituduh terhadap mereka dibenarkan ikat jamin. Menurut rekod kedua-dua mereka adalah mangsa yang ditembak dengan peluru hidup oleh pihak polis dalam kejadian tersebut.

Dalam kes ini juga PAS berdukacita atas keputusan Peguam Negara yang bertindak sendiri sebagai pendakwa dalam kes yang disebut di di peringkat Mahkamah Sesyen ini.

Kedua: Penangkapan terhadap lima orang peguam dan tiga aktivis yang sedang meraikan hari Hak Asasi Sedunia di Kuala Lumpur anjuran Majlis Peguam Malaysia pagi tadi. Turut ditahan adalah seorang ahli Majlis Peguam kerana menghalang pihak DBKL dari menurunkan sepanduk perayaan tersebut.

Tindakan pihak polis melakukan penangkapan dalam majlis aman dan memperingati "Hari Hak Asasi Sedunia" seumpama ini sudah pasti mencacatkan lagi rekod hak asasi negara yang telah sedia tempang dan tercemar.

Ketiga: Waran tangkap yang dikeluarkan terhadap Naib Presiden PAS, Hj Muhammad Sabu di Ipoh, ketika beliau sedang membawa rombongan perkahwinan anak perempuan beliau di sana. Beliau ditahan kononnya kerana menyertai perhimpunan haram.

Berikutan tindakan-tindakan ini PAS menganggap kerajaan pimpinan Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sudah mula bergerak ke arah sebuah "Negara Polis" (Police State) dan tidak lagi menjunjung sistem demokrasi yang merupakan asas Perlembagaan Persekutuan kita.

Saya menyeru semua ahli-ahli PAS di seluruh negara khasnya diperingkat kawasan-kawasan agar menunaikan solat hajat dipimpin oleh para ulamak peringkat masing-masing, dengan memohon ke hadrat Allah SWT agar menghapuskan segala bentuk kezaliman ini dan menyelamatkan kita semua dan negara tercinta ini dari angkara buruk kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang jelas membelakangkan demokrasi dan hak asasi itu.


Sehingga kini 3 ditahan polis berkaitan penganjuran BERSIH 11 Disember ini.

Sdr Mat Sabu, sdr Tian Chua, Sdr Sivarasah


Human rights march: 8 arrested

Syed Jaymal Zahiid | Dec 9, 07 8:16am

The police have arrested eight people, including five lawyers, for failing to disperse after warnings were issued to stop a march from the Sogo department store to Central Market in Kuala Lumpur.

The arrests came after a failed attempt by the organisers of the march - to mark International Human Rights Day - to negotiate with the police to allow them to finish their march at their intended spot.

Those arrested included five lawyers - N Surendran (photo), Latheefa Koya, R Sivarasa, Eric Paulsen and Amer Hamzah. Others were Anthony Andu, Norazah Othman and an unidentified activist.

They were arrested near the Jalan Tun Perak LRT station and were immediately taken to the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters. The eight were arrested under the Police Act for illegal assembly, said Dang Wangi's acting Superintendent Che Hamzah Che Ismail.

Earlier today, at about 8am, the small group of about 100 began their march at the Sogo departmental store under the watchful eyes of the police. There were however no signs of the dreaded Federal Reserve Unit and their water cannon trucks.

The marchers were almost halfway in their route when they were issued a warning to disperse by the police, soon after which the arrests took place.

The remainder of the marchers dispersed following the arrests.

Forcible arrests

Eyewitnesses said that one of the persons arrested was dragged into the waiting police truck and the arrests were done despite the marchers’ willingness to cooperate with the police.

This small group of marchers have undertaken this march after the Bar Council had
dropped its annual march in conjunction with the International Human Rights Day celebration - which falls on Dec 10 - due to pressure to obtain a police permit.

Yesterday the police had warned the public not to participate in the march given that no permit had been issued for the gathering.

"As no permit has been issued for the gathering, those who take part in it can be charged under Section 27(5) of the Police Act 1967 for participating in an illegal assembly," warned Che Hamzah in a Bernama report.

Upon the decision of the Bar Council to call off the march, at least 15 lawyers decided to proceed with the walk to make a statement that citizens have a right to assemble peacefully and without prior requirement of a police permit.

Venue changed

Two days ago,
Surendran had said that the march was purely initiated by a group of concerned lawyers, adding that the organisers will not be applying for a police permit.

“We think that applying for a permit is a negation of our fundamental right to freedom of assembly as enshrined in Article 10 of the Federal Constitution,” he had explained.

“We feel the (Bar Council) march was called of due to undue pressure from the authorities. We want to send a message that the people of Malaysia have the right to a peaceful assembly,” Surendran said.

Bar Council chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan meanwhile had explained that the decision to call off the march was made after “anxious consideration to the present circumstances that surround the event, particularly the interests of the public and the Malaysian Bar."

The Bar Council also moved its “Festival of Rights” event today to its own building located near Central Market after police insisted that organisers apply for a permit to hold the event at Central Market.

In a related development, Ambiga today expressed disappointed over not being allowed to see the arrested people.



To those who wrote in suggesting another petition to His Majesty the Yang DiPertuan Agong on the matter of the intended appointment of Zaki as President of the Court of Appeal, here it is.

What appears below is the English text of the substance of the petition.

As done previously, the actual petition will be in Bahasa Malaysia, complete with the requisites to meet the requirements of protocol for a communication from the rakyat to ruler.

The final text will be posted once the translation and protocol requirements have been completed.

There is greater urgency to have this petition delivered at the soonest possible. In fact, I would like to try and have this delivered by next week.

If you want to lend your support to this petition to His Majesty, please send an e-mail to :

Again, this is a petition to our Agung. As such, please do not send in pseudonyms. I must ask that you state your name in full together with your NRIC number.

Those of you who had signed the earlier petition and have agreed to have their details retained in the database presently being set up, I must trouble you to send in another e-mail with your name and ic number. As I have stated earlier, the retention of your particulars in the database was not for the purpose of automatice utilisation but for purposes of communication of initiatives.


Petition from citizens to His Majesty the Yang DiPertuan Agong praying for the deferment of the appointment of the President of the Court of Appeal pending the findings and recommendations of the intended Royal Commission of Inquiry

1. As a reaction to the disclosure of the now infamous VK Lingam video in mid-September this year, on 25/10/2007 5,035 loyal subjects petitioned Your Majesty to voice their concerns about, amongst other things, how very senior judges were bypassed in favour of junior judges in the numerous promotion exercises that took place during the tenure of Tun Ahmad Fairuz,. Your Majesty’s petitioners had also prayed that Your Majesty might be moved to :

1.1 direct the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to embark upon a thorough examination of the problems presently affecting the judiciary as exposed by the VK Lingam video and to make all necessary recommendations to set the judiciary right; and

1.2 direct the immediate establishment of an independent Commission for the appointment and promotion of judges to the High Courts, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court.

2. On 16/11/2007, the Prime Minister announced that a Royal Commission of Inquiry would be established to look into the matter of the VK Lingam video. The terms of reference of such a Royal Commission have not been announced and we are informed through media reports nominations for appointment to such a Royal Commission have been forwarded to Your Majesty and await the approval of Your Majesty.

3. On 5/12/2007, the rakyat were informed that Your Majesty had assented to the appointment of Dato’ Abdul Hamid bin Haji Mohamad as the Chief Justice of the Federal Court, his appointment taking effect from 1/11/2007. We are most grateful to Your Majesty and Their Royal Highnesses the Malay Rulers for this exercise of wisdom and care in the selection of this most senior and respected judge to lead our judiciary. We, the rakyat, place much hope upon Dato’ Abdul Hamid to do all that is necessary to restore public confidence in the judiciary as the third independent arm of government.

4. We, the rakyat, are however deeply concerned at the parallel announcement that Tan Sri Dato’ Zaki bin Tun Azmi, who was only just appointed as a judge in September, 2007 and that too, directly to the Federal Court, had been selected to be the President of the Court of Appeal, his tenure to commence from a date to be fixed.

5. Our concern at the intended appointment of Tan Sri Dato’ Zaki as the next President of the Court of Appeal is grounded on the following :

5.1 Tan Sri Dato’ Zaki is just about the most junior judge amongst all judges of the High Courts, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court;

5.2 Tan Sri Dato’ Zaki is the most junior amongst the 8 Federal Court judges, and his selection as President of the Court of Appeal would most unfairly raise questions about the competence of the other 7 very much more senior judges of the Federal Court ;

5.3 Tan Sri Dato’ Zaki has been very intimately involved in UMNO, having at one time held the position of chairman of the party’s election committee, deputy chairman of its disciplinary board of appeal and party legal adviser. It is unclear if he is still a card carrying member of UMNO or, if he has ceased to be one, when he ceased being such;

5.4 Tan Sri Dato’ Zaki has been linked to financial scandals involving UMNO that were allegedly bailed out by the government;

5.5 Tan Sri Dato’ Zaki has been very intimately involved in the corporate world as a major shareholder and / or director in several corporate entities, many of which were known to have business dealings with the government; and

5.6 Tan Sri Dato’ Zaki had previously been embroiled in a very public personal scandal in which he was implicated of destroying documentary evidence, a matter that led to his voluntary resignation from the UMNO discplinary committee for fear of impeaching the integrity of the other members of the said committee.

6. It is widely recognized that public confidence in the Judiciary is at a very low level and that the Judiciary is no longer as respected, both nationally and internationally, as it once was. This has been occasioned, in part, through partisan selection and promotion of judges by reference to their allegiance rather than merit. His Royal Highness, the Sultan of Perak, a former Lord President himself, officially recognized this regrettable state of affairs at the Malaysian Law Conference in October this year.

7. We, the rakyat, believe that the independent Commission for the appointment and promotion of judges prayed for earlier would go a long way to helping avoid scandals like the VK Lingam video that have seemingly been allowed for by the manner in which judges have been appointed and promoted and restoring confidence in the Judiciary. The appropriateness of such a mechanism may be one of the matters the Royal Commission may take into consideration.

8. For these many reasons, we, the rakyat, now pray that Your Majesty may be so moved to defer the appointment of the President of the Court of Appeal until the intended Royal Commission of Inquiry deliver its findings and recommendations. We believe that it would not be inappropriate for the Chief Justice to discharge the functions of the President in an ‘acting’ capacity. This was in fact the case prior to the appointment of Dato’ Abdul Hamid Bin Haji Mohamad as President.